Syrian hamsters: care

Syrian hamsters are also called "golden hamsters" because of the widespread golden coloration. Their fur is red outside and inside is dark gray. The abdomen is white, the ears are gray, the bangs and cheeks are black, and behind the cheeks are white bands. However, there are many other colors that have arisen as a result of the mutation. The Syrian black hamster has a belly with white spots, and the rest of the hair is completely black. The white Syrian hamster has gray ears and red eyes, everything else is completely white. In the case where there are cream spots, this color is called mottled cream.

Syrian hamsters are also long-haired and short-haired. They are the largest of domestic hamsters.

How to determine the gender of a Syrian hamster?

To do this, raise him by the scruff of the neck. In males, as early as 4 weeks, the testicles clearly visible at the root of the tail are clearly visible. In females, the distance between the anal and genital openings is about 3 mm, and in males - 1-1.5 cm. Sexually mature male glands on the tummy are much more active, so the abdomen is constantly wet.

Hamster Syrian at home

The main food of this animal is greens and grains. Green grass is any herb. Delicacy for them are clover, alfalfa, berries, fruits and vegetables. From cereals - pumpkin seeds, sunflower, wheat and oats.

The cage for the Syrian hamster should be 50x30 cm in size, and the wheel - at least 18 cm in diameter. The tamed Syrian hamsters are very affectionate. You can play with them and hold them for a long time.

It should be remembered that the animal usually wakes up in the evening and should not be disturbed during the day. Syrian is a single animal, therefore it is possible to contain hamsters maximum up to the age of 8-10 weeks, after which it is necessary to plant them in separate cells, otherwise they will constantly fight with each other for the territory.

Syrian hamsters are very clean and always follow their wool. But they can not be bathed. Even in an exceptional case, when bathing a hamster under a weak stream of warm water, remember that you can not wet your head. Carry out the procedure as quickly as possible, because during washing the animal can get cold or suffer from stress. A hamster after bathing can be given a soft homeopathic soothing. For cleaning the wool, put a sandbox-swimsuit with sand. Sand can be bought in the store or sifted and burned in a pan or in the oven.

Clean in the cage should be every 4-5 days. Wash the bowl with a bowl and rinse every day. Once a week, all objects of use of the hamster wipe with a detergent containing chloric lime, after which very thoroughly rinse.

A Syrian hamster has a life expectancy of about two years, but some individuals live 3-4 years. From the proper care depends on the health of your pet.

Diseases of Syrian Hamsters

A healthy hamster is mobile and curious, and the patient tries to hide, seclude and lie down. He does not eat and does not drink, sluggish and slow, does not play. His hair is dull, sloppy and disheveled, his eyes are slightly covered, the hamster loses weight.

If you find any of the above symptoms in your pet, this indicates that the hamster is sick. Many animal diseases are provoked by poor diet, malnutrition, and stressful condition. Therefore, whenever possible, avoid the wrong location of the cage, frequent disturbances in animal sleep, long trips, improper cell neighborhood and other activities that cause stress in small pets. Unfortunately, even those Syrian hamsters who are well cared for sometimes are ill. Recovery depends on the disease itself and on how quickly it will be detected.

Do not treat the hamster yourself, so that it does not lead to irreparable consequences. The most reasonable solution is to contact a veterinarian-rathologist.