Red-bellied turtle - what to feed?

The right knowledge of what to feed a red-bellied turtle is a guarantee of success in the breeding and maintenance of representatives of this species. Food is mandatory only fresh and high quality. It should be thawed at room temperature.

In nature, red-eared turtles grab food in the water, after which they often crawl out to eat on the shore. It would be just fine to train your pet to such a ritual, because because of the frequent ingress of various animal feeds into the water, it quickly becomes extremely polluted. If you do not have time to learn how to feed small red-bellied turtles, you can simply transfer them to another container for lunch time, and then return them home. If too laziness has overcome, then do not give too much fatty food by the type of pork or capelin. If in half an hour she remained unclaimed, collect the surplus and get rid of them. For food they are no longer suitable, but clog the biofilter or create a mustiness are quite capable.

How many times to feed a red-bellied turtle?

This is the most common question among people who are just beginning to breed this kind of pets. Young animals that have not reached the age of 2 years, are fed once a day. But adult turtles should be treated plentifully every few days. Do not be afraid of excessive gluttony, this is inherent in red-bellied turtles.

How can you feed a red-bellied turtle?

Also very urgent and popular question - what to feed the turtle ? They can easily offer such types of food as:

In any case, if the diet contains sea fish and seafood, they should be boiled and rid of bones.

Also, a problem often arises as to how to feed the red-bellied turtle. You can give beef, poultry, horsemeat, pork and lamb. Propose this type of food should be as rare as possible, since the abuse of animal feed can lead to rickets.