Aquarium plant hornwort

Choosing vegetation for gardening of the aquarium, we try to find such organisms that not only harmoniously looked in the design, but would also benefit the fish inhabiting it. Alas, not every creature can survive in Spartan conditions, especially when a novice aquarist is dealing with him. In this case, you can advise a fairly versatile plant hornwort, which is used, both in the form of thickets, where shrimp can be quickly hidden with fry, and as a substrate. In addition, it has a spectacular appearance, resembling something dense coniferous forests that lie in the underwater kingdom.

Contents of aquarium plants hornwort

In total there are about 30 types of hornwort. The most common are hornwort fox tail, hornfree Cuban, hornwort immersed, hornwort dark green, hornwort Mexican. They all improve the quality of the liquid, raise the oxygen level and reduce the amount of dirt. To the level of rigidity our hero is unpretentious, the temperature range can withstand a wide enough (from 15 ° to 30 °). What does not like this underwater organism is a bright light. In the natural environment thickets of aquarium plants of hornfels are usually found at the depth of water bodies.

How to plant hornwort in an aquarium?

It is possible to cut off a young shoot in the apical part from an adult bush and put it into a free trip, freely floating thickets of two dozen plants look quite picturesque underwater forest. Many aquarists put hornwort on the ground , attaching it carefully to the suckers in the right place. Under good conditions, such a bush will give an increase in a day to 2-3 cm. Its height reaches 1 m, therefore in small reservoirs the plants should be gradually shortened. The best option is to trim the hornwort in the aquarium from below and lower it into the ground to a level that does not reach the surface of the water by 5 cm.