Systolic and diastolic pressure - what is it?

To determine the causes of poor health, diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, systolic and diastolic pressure is often measured - what it is, not everyone knows, although using these concepts regularly. It is worth noting that to have at least a general idea of ​​the meaning and mechanism of the formation of pressure is very important.

What does systolic and diastolic pressure mean?

When measuring blood pressure by the conventional Korotkov method, the result consists of two numbers. The first value, called the upper or systolic pressure, indicates the pressure that blood exerts on the vessels at the time of cardiac contraction (systole).

The second indicator, the lower or diastolic pressure, is the pressure during the relaxation (diastole) of the heart muscle. It is formed by the reduction of peripheral blood vessels.

Knowing what systolic and diastolic pressure means, you can draw conclusions about the state of the cardiovascular system. Thus, the upper indices depend on the compression of the ventricles of the heart, the intensity of the ejection of blood. Accordingly, the level of upper pressure indicates the functionality of the myocardium, strength and heart rate.

The lower value of pressure, in turn, depends on 3 factors:

Also, the state of health can be judged by calculating the numerical gap between systolic and diastolic pressure. In medicine, this indicator is called pulse pressure and is considered one of the most important and important biomarkers.

The norm of the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure

In a healthy person, the pulse pressure should be between 30 and 40 mm Hg. Art. and not to be more than 60% of the diastolic pressure level.

By the value of the considered value, one can also draw conclusions about the state and functionality of the cardiovascular system. For example, when the pulse pressure is higher than the set values, a high systolic pressure is observed with a normal or decreased diastolic index, the aging process of the internal organs is accelerated. Most of all, the kidneys, heart and brain are affected. It is worth noting that excessive pulse, and therefore - high systolic and low diastolic pressure indicate a real risk of atrial fibrillation and other associated cardiac pathologies.

In the reverse situation, with a low pulse pressure and a decrease in the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure, it is believed that there is a decrease in the stroke volume of the heart. This problem can develop on the background of heart failure , aortic stenosis, hypovolemia. Over time, the resistance to blood pressure of the peripheral vascular walls is further increased.

When calculating the pulse pressure, it is important to pay attention to the compliance with normal values ​​of systolic and diastolic pressure. Ideally, on the dial of the tonometer, the figures 120 and 80 should be lit for the upper and lower figures, respectively. There may be minor variations depending on the age, lifestyle of a person.

Increased systolic pressure often provokes hemorrhages in the brain, ischemic, hemorrhagic strokes . The rise of diastolic pressure is fraught with chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, a violation of the elasticity of the vascular walls.