Sore throat - treatment

If you are concerned about such a symptom as a sore throat, then, first of all, you need to understand its causes. In most cases, perspiration is caused by inflammatory processes in the throat, but this phenomenon can also be associated with allergic reactions, occupational hazards, throat injuries, etc. To find out the true reason, it is recommended to contact a medical institution and undergo a survey. After the diagnosis is made, the specialist will be able to prescribe how and how to treat the sore throat.

Sore throat - medication

Most often, with perspiration and dryness in the throat, treatment with various topical preparations is prescribed. If the inflammatory processes in the throat are the cause of this symptom, then medicamental treatment should be carried out necessarily to avoid undesirable complications associated with the transition of inflammation to the lower respiratory tract.

Of the local anti-septic medicines against throat swelling, the following agents (in the form of tablets, troches, sprays, aerosols, etc.) can be recommended:

These drugs also have an anti-inflammatory effect, soften the mucous membrane. In the case when a severe perspiration in the throat is accompanied by a painful dry cough, treatment on the recommendation of a doctor may also include taking antitussive drugs of central action. These drugs include drugs based on codeine, oxeladine, glaucine hydrochloride, etc.

When chasing in the throat, accompanied by a cough with sputum, expectorants and mucolytic drugs may be prescribed:

If a bacterial infection is suspected, Bioparox , an antibacterial preparation for topical use, is often prescribed.

A good therapeutic effect in throat swelling is inhalation with a nebulizer using alkaline solutions, mucolytics, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

If the perspiration in the throat is caused by an allergic reaction, a course of antihistamines is prescribed. In this case, it is necessary to avoid contact with possible allergens. To medicines from an allergy that causes a sensation in the throat, include the following drugs:

If the reasons for the sore throat are associated with neurologic pathologies, a neurologic examination should be performed, which will then prescribe the appropriate treatment. If the cause can not be eliminated, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

When a throat is throat caused by throwing the contents of the stomach into the upper esophagus, a consultation of the gastroenterologist is required. Later, drugs can be prescribed that increase the strength of the lower esophageal sphincter contraction.

General medical recommendations for throat swelling

Regardless of the cause of the appearance of a perspiration in the throat for the speedy disposal of This uncomfortable feeling should be followed by the following recommendations:

  1. Maintaining the right indoor climate to prevent the mucous membranes from drying out (air temperature 18 - 22 ° C, humidity - at least 55%).
  2. A plentiful warm drink (herbal teas, milk with honey, alkaline mineral water).
  3. Refusal from active and passive smoking.
  4. Partial or possibly full voice rest.
  5. Exclusion from the diet of hot, cold, spicy food.
  6. Refusal of carbonated, alcohol-containing, cold and hot drinks.