Gouty Arthritis

Gouty arthritis is a disease in the process of which uric acid salts are deposited in the blood, tissues, joints, bones, tendons. Over time, these formations take the form of crystals - urates. Therefore, this disease is characterized by kidney damage, accompanied by the rapid development of urolithiasis and nephritis.

Stages of arthritic arthritis

There are three stages of gouty arthritis:

  1. Gout affects the urinary or musculoskeletal system, joint pain can be disturbed irregularly, manifested once in 2-3 months, the skin over the inflamed area becomes crimson. After an attack of gouty arthritis, the symptoms disappear, but at the same time the destruction of the tissues continues, so with time the pain sensations intensify.
  2. Pathology begins to affect other cartilage, articular bag and adjacent tissues, symptoms of gouty arthritis such as chills, fever and weakness appear. Often observed the formation of painless tophi.
  3. There is a crunch when moving and an unpleasant feeling of stiffness of the cartilage after a period of rest. With pains, pains occur, tofuses are formed on the hands, elbows, feet, knees. In rare cases, there is a slight ulceration of the skin over the tofus and from them a small amount of content can be released in the form of a paste-like mass of white color.

Diagnosis of gouty arthritis

There are several methods for diagnosing gouty arthritis:

Medication for gouty arthritis

Effectively remove the pain syndrome and stop inflammation at the first stage of development of acute gouty arthritis will help the drug Colchicine. He cures seizures in just a few days. But such a medicine is considered to be quite toxic, so the course of therapy should be short.

Simultaneously with Colchicine, non-steroidal pain relievers should be taken:

If such therapy does not give the desired effect, the patient is prescribed hormonal drugs. Used drugs such as Betamethasone and Methylprednisolone, in the form of short courses or single injections.

Rapidly reduce the level of uric acid in chronic gouty arthritis help drugs:

During exacerbations, in addition to taking medication, the load on the affected joint should be reduced, and ice compresses should be done several times a day. Their duration should be 5-7 minutes.

Dietotherapy for gouty arthritis

Diet is one of the main methods of treating gouty arthritis. It can help prevent or significantly reduce the severity and frequency of seizures of this ailment. From the diet of the patient should be deleted:

This is due to the fact that these foods have purines, the final product of which is uric acid. It should also limit the use of any alcoholic beverages. They block the kidney function to remove the uric acid from the body.