Terrarium for the red-bellied turtle

If you have not found a terrarium in the pet shop and do not have the opportunity to make it to order, an ordinary glass aquarium is the best thing you can give to red-bellied turtles. He will replace the animal with an external pond.

The form of the aquaterrarium should be only rectangular, as the turtles do not swim in depth.

Arrangement of the terrarium for the red-bellied turtle

Do not forget about the lids for aquariums. Excellent for those that have built-in lighting. Since the apartment is not always well illuminated the entire area even in the afternoon, you will need UV lamps for reptiles. And you need to change this lamp once every six months.

Red-bellied turtles grow very quickly and in the first year of life they can grow up to twenty-five centimeters. Therefore, when purchasing an aquarium, calculate so that all your pets are comfortable and comfortable. And it is necessary to proceed from the fact that a baby of thirteen centimeters needs a capacity that can hold a hundred liters. Fill the aquarium with water so that its level reaches two or three lengths of the turtle, but there would be a place where your pet can sit, sticking out its head outwards, and in case it suddenly turned up on its back, it could easily roll back.

In order for the turtle to feel comfortable, the aquaterrarium must be filled with water two-thirds of the area, and one third must be given to the ground. To unite the two "elements" you will need a rough, but not scratching bridge. That the animal did not fall out of the terrarium, the bridge should be at a depth of more than thirty centimeters.

Do not forget to take care of water filtration. A good filter not only does not leave a chance to microbes and bacteria, but it also makes it easier for you to clean the terrarium constantly. Usually, for these purposes, a design is used, calculated for a volume of water two to three times greater than that available in the aquarium. But still do not be lazy to change the water once a month.

Purchase an immersion heater for aquariums. It resembles a glass tube, the thermostat is built-in. This type of heater is practical, and thanks to it you can maintain a constant water temperature - twenty-five or twenty-eight degrees.

The turtle will not sit in the water all the time, she likes and "sunbathes". So take care of the place where it will go out to "bask". The warmth supports the entire immune system of the turtle turtle . Try to keep it from freezing on land. To do this, purchase a sixty-watt incandescent lamp.

The aquarium must be constantly cleaned, because the animals are emptied right there, and this is an excellent environment for the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria.

Decoration of a terrarium for a red-bellied turtle

If you want to create not only favorable conditions for a turtle, but also an aesthetically attractive corner, make sure that all items that later turn out to be in the terrarium are safe for the animal's health.

Plants must be non-toxic, since turtles like to taste everything. For the same reason, plastic elements in the decor are strictly forbidden.

If you want to add some stones, make sure that they are not sharp. Do not use small gravel, the turtle will begin to "eat" it, which will cause bowel problems until obstruction. Only stones are bigger than the size of the pet's head, then it can not swallow them.

The walls of the aquarium can be beautifully colored with colored materials. Apply paper of different colors and pattern. The bark of the tree will advantageously shade the interior of the reservoir. Sometimes mats are used. All this is fixed with glue or with the help of self-tapping screws.