Obsessive-compulsive disorder - causes and consequences, how to treat?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - for the first time can occur after the child reaches 10 years. First it manifests itself as a kind of phobia , obsession, and a person is able to see the irrationality of his anxiety and cope with it. In the future, self-control is lost, the condition is aggravated.

Obsessive-compulsive syndrome

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or syndrome is an obsession neurosis, during which a person is obsessed by an alarming thought or idea and performs compulsive (compulsive) actions. The disorder can be single-component, or obsessional - emotional, or compulsive - with ritual obsessions. It manifests itself in different ways:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder - causes

Everything has its own reason - and compulsive behavior with obsessions is no exception. Medical specialists and psychologists put forward many theories of the onset of the disease. Obsessive-compulsive disorder - predisposing factors and causes:

Other reasons:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder - symptoms

The main symptom of compulsive disorder is this or that obtrusive state, repetitive thoughts, the themes of which can be different. Signs and symptoms of the disorder:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder - examples

All people are experiencing fatigue, stress, disturbing thoughts that pop up, they are scrolled in the head for a while, but after a good rest, the intensity decreases, the person solves the problem and anxiety as it has not happened. Otherwise, everything happens with true compulsions and obsessions, they are cyclical, gaining strength and fixed on a "permanent basis."

Obsessive-compulsive disorder - examples from life:

Obsessive compulsive disorder - consequences

Compulsive-obsessive disorder affects unfavorably the daily life of a person, obsessive thoughts and actions complicate relationships with loved ones, the person is fatigued himself. Among people suffering from this neurotic illness, a large percentage of the unemployed - a person is sometimes just afraid to leave the house, becomes disabled because of their fears. Personal life also crashes.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder - treatment

How to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder - to this question, psychotherapists often respond that without determining the cause that caused the disease to achieve remission or cure "permanently" - it will not be possible. When all stress factors are identified, the doctor prescribes complex treatment: drug therapy and long-term psychological support. Obsessive-compulsive anxiety disorder is successfully treated if a person ceases to rely on an independent outcome of an ailment, to avoid disturbing situations.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder - treatment at home

Obsessions or compulsions are difficult to self-correct - this is the case when you seek help from a specialist is right. Man pushes himself into a vicious circle from breakdown to failure and begins to hate himself for the weakness shown and the lack of self-control even more. But do not give up, even if the breakdowns happen. On the example of overeating, which is common both among women and men, it is possible to consider the tactics of combating obsessive disorder at home.

Compulsive overeating - how to fight alone, steps:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder - hospitalization

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder - an ailment rarely requires hospital treatment unless accompanied by a person's personal schizotypic, paranoid character traits, then the course and prognosis worsen. In general, inpatient treatment is indicated. Obsessive-compulsive disorder - the tactics of patient management includes:

  1. Psychotherapy . Cognitive-behavioral approach allows you to analyze situations that provoke anxiety and panic and learn how to manage your state. The patient is exposed to a real or imaginary stimulus, and with the help of a therapist learns to interrupt the response, forming a new behavioral pattern. The longer the interaction with provoking stimuli, the more effectively the new behavior is fixed. Independently, without drug treatment, psychotherapy is rarely successful in treating OCD.
  2. Pharmacotherapy . Obsessive-compulsive behavioral disorder severely depletes the human nervous system and medication sometimes - the only option to relieve the condition. Drugs of choice in the treatment of OCD: