The content of iodine in products

Deficiency of iodine leads to drowsiness, irritability, memory impairment, hair loss. The constant shortage of iodine is fraught with a violation of the thyroid gland, obesity and diabetes. If a pregnant woman does not fill the iodine deficiency in the body, this will affect the baby: iodine is necessary for the normal development of the fetal nervous system. The daily dose of iodine for an adult is 150 mg, and during pregnancy - up to 250 mg.

The risk of iodine deficiency will decrease if you follow the diet and include in your menu products that are high in iodine. These include, first of all, seaweed. Dry kelp contains 169-800 mg of iodine in 100 grams of product, and dry sea kale - 200 mg of iodine per 100 grams. product.

The content of iodine in products of vegetable and animal origin can be traced according to the table, but it should be taken into account that the information presented is relevant for fresh products. With long-term storage and even more during processing, up to 60% of iodine can be lost. In the table for some products in parentheses the values ​​of iodine content after the appropriate cooking are indicated. For example, fresh shrimps contain 190 mg of iodine per 100 g of shrimp, and here are the boiled - 110, in fried shrimps, only 11 mg of iodine is retained.

Table of products with high iodine content

Product name Amount of iodine (mg / 100 g of product)
Cod liver 370
Freshwater fish (raw) 243
Saithe or salmon 200
Flounder 190
Shrimp fresh (boiled / fried) 190 (110/11)
Cod 130
Fresh herring (salted) 92 (77)
Smoked fish fillet 43

The products most typical for the Russian people's table, such as butter, milk, eggs, contain less than 30 mg of iodine. It does not have a high content of iodine and pork, so beloved by many Russians.

It is the iodine deficiency in food products that led to the emergence of iodine-enriched products on the market, such as iodized salt and bread. However, it is worth remembering that the unpacked pack of salt keeps iodine for about a month, then it is weathered. Heat treatment also does not contribute to the preservation of iodine, so it is best to use iodized salt in the preparation of salads and cold dishes, and iodine-rich bread is not used for making hot sandwiches and toasts.