How many calories are in dates?

Dates - juicy fruits of the date palm, which have a wonderful taste and help a person to strengthen their health due to the saturation of the body with many useful substances.

Composition of dates

The dates compiled all the minerals, minerals, salts and vitamins most valuable for the human body, they are rich in amino acids, food fibers, pectins. By the way, scientists found in the composition of these fruits phytohormone, which is responsible for the mood, appearance and even social behavior of a person.



Beneficial features

Dates are considered an excellent treat, but, despite the high caloric content, these fruits bring invaluable benefits to our health:

How many calories in 1 date?

Caloric value of dates is considered high, so they can replace sweets or other sweets. But how many calories in the dates depends on whether they are fresh or dried.

The calorie content of fresh dates on 100 g is more than 190 kcal, due to the huge amount of carbohydrates. One date on average weighs 25 grams, hence it turns out that in one date contains about 50 kcal.

In dried dates, the amount of carbohydrates is higher than in fresh ones, but the water is much less, so there are more than 290 kcal per 100 g of dried fruit, and about 70 kcal per dessert, respectively.

Dates - calorie and harm

It should be remembered that only the ripe and correctly dried dates have curative properties. On good fruits the surface is wrinkled, there can be no mold and large cracks, and the color should be dark.

Most often in the diet dates are used in the form of dried fruits, and given how many calories in the dried dates, they should be excluded from the diet of people with diabetes.

It is also not recommended to eat these fruits during an exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and intestines.

It is not desirable to eat dates in large quantities, because can suddenly increase the pressure and a headache.

Keep in mind, you can not eat dates with citrus at the same time, because the combination of carbohydrate and acidic foods can be very harmful to the body.