The day of judgment is at hand: the mathematical theory has determined the exact end of the world!

Predictions of the end of the world are interesting to all, and therefore the work of numerous prophets and scholars is more than enough! And considering that fortunately, the mysterious planet-killer Nibiru never encountered the Earth on September 23, the Day of Judgment is again transferred to the new supposed terrible date ...

So, today, the geophysicist from Massachusetts University of Technology, Professor Daniel Rothman, tried to determine the timeframe for the inevitable catastrophe on Earth. In this case, the scientist did not just make a guess, but even derived a mathematical formula, according to the calculations of which a new global extinction on Earth will occur at the end of the XXI century!

But if you think that this date comes from a very distant future, then you are mistaken - our grandchildren will find it! And everything will happen as a result of irreversible changes in the global carbon cycle caused by anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide.

Working on his "mathematical" theory, Rothman analyzed all the changes in the geochemical cycle of carbon over the last 450 million years. It turns out that during this huge period, there were five of the most massive Great Extinctions, including the most terrible - the Great Permian extinction, when 95% of all animal species disappeared from the face of our planet! And the cause of each of the five extinctions was the destabilization of the biosphere or the so-called "catastrophic threshold of the carbohydrate cycle".

Well, today the geophysical professor observes a horrendous parallel - the sixth test for the Earth is on the way ...

The scientist has already derived a formula that relates the relative change in the volume of inorganic carbon in the ocean with the rate of this change. Well, or in simple words - very soon the carbon in the ocean will be so much that the next sixth extinction is inevitable!

The saddest thing is that this fact coincides with the studies of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. By 2100, they predict "enrichment" of the oceans by 310 gigaton of carbon, and by the worst scenario - by 500 gigaton, which in any case is critically close to the catastrophic threshold of the carbohydrate cycle!

"This does not mean that the next day there will be a disaster," says Daniel Rothman, but with such climate changes the carbon cycle is no longer controlled. So, we have already passed the point of no return ... "