The laws of style in clothing

In the fashion world, as in mathematics or politics, there are rules and laws that are invented for a reason. You need to know what to lean on and what you are striving for.

The laws of composition in clothing

Harmony in clothes is one of the most important rules of image composition. The beautiful and attractive look is closely related to the harmony of all the details, including not only clothes and accessories, but also the hair, make-up and decorations. Of great importance is the style, texture, colors, prints and decor. But your appearance and character is the main connecting link, which should harmoniously coalesce with all. Composition in clothes is a combination of all elements of clothing and accessories into a single whole. There is a center of composition, on which special attention is accentuated.

You can build a composition center in the middle of the figure, thus drawing attention to the waist, hips or chest. If you want to focus attention on the bottom, you get a stable and fundamental image. But a kind of headdress, an original hairstyle or make-up attract attention to the face, neck and hair.

Elegant Audrey Hepburn has always sought to position the center of the composition at the top, thereby attracting attention to the pretty face. In this she was helped by numerous hats and bows. But the famous film star Brigitte Bardot fascinated everyone with stylish hairstyles. The legendary "babette" is still considered her business card.

There are three principles of composition in clothing:

  1. Contrast - a game with a color combination, shape or texture. For example, contrasting color blocks will help to hide the flaws of the figure, as well as give refinement to the image. The same applies to the combination of different textures (fur and velvet, leather and denim fabric). In any image it is necessary to adhere to the laws of the combination of color in clothing.
  2. Similarity is when the entire ensemble of clothing is built from one texture, a print, a shape or size, or a repetition of a single color.
  3. Nuance is a subtle transition from contrast to resemblance. The similarity between the elements looks rich and exquisite.

Fashion style laws

The visual appearance of a person always carries an emotional impact on others. The beautiful half of humanity is not only aware of this, but also applies it as the main weapon.

Before rushing to explore new fashion trends, you should ask yourself about your individual style, whether you have it. If you do not know where to start, then certainly consider the basic laws of style:

  1. The chosen style should harmoniously fit into the world around you. First of all it concerns your work and profession. If you want to succeed, you should not neglect the existing rules of the dress code. But this does not mean that you must merge with the gray mass! Just need to learn to look more elegant and sophisticated than other people around.
  2. With the help of clothes you must be able to call the necessary associations. For example, with the help of a business suit you can show your serious intentions regarding the situation or the question being solved, but with the help of a sexy dress you can get the interested views of men.
  3. Individual style is the discovery of your inner world, and not imitation of anyone. You should feel comfortable and at ease. Learn to present your dignity and hide the flaws.
  4. Do not be afraid of experiments! There are so many styles in clothes, so you can be a business lady at work, and in the evening a glamorous lioness. And no one forbids you today to try on the image of an aggressive rocker, and tomorrow a romantic young lady. The main thing that everything was appropriate and dynamic.

Do not memorize these rules, you just need to understand yourself and find something individual and unique! Good luck to you!