
A rare breed of dogs was born in France, but there is no exact information about its origin. Scientists suggest that peat dogs and wolves could be the ancestors of the shepherd dog, the first mention of which is in the manuscript of 1578. Only in 1863 this breed was officially recognized.

Breed description

The common standard of representatives of the breed is the French boceron approved by the FCI. And today, many confuse the French smooth-haired shepherd dog with a Rottweiler or Doberman , or a hybrid of these breeds with sheepdogs. These dogs are large enough, differ in strength and strength, but not massive. The height at the withers of the bears reaches 70 centimeters, and the weight is about 50 kilograms. These dogs have short wool with a distinctive sheen. It is smooth, but it feels rather stiff to the touch. The color of the beauceron can be purely black, black with gray spots (marble) or black with brown-red tans. The white color of the spots is a drawback.


A distinctive feature of the character of a boseron is the ability to skilful management. This is the quality necessary for the shepherd breeds of dogs. The bears are excellent at coping with grazing of large flocks, reflecting the attacks of predators. However, it is this quality that gives the French sheep-dogs a sense of superiority over all animals. The owner, who can not show the dog that he is in charge of the house, is doomed not to have a pet, but a gentleman-gentleman with appropriate behavior. Therefore, puppies of the beauceron from the first days should be brought up in rigor, otherwise aggressive behavior, destructive actions, disrespect to the owner are provided.

This breed is characterized by restraint and openness when meeting with strangers, overly aggressive barking or cruelty you will not notice. It is the restraint combined with the leadership qualities that make a perfect guard dog out of a boceron. Large sizes and rather frightening appearance scare off intruders. But if the owner or his house is in real danger, the dog will show all its ferocity and protect the family and its property.

Correct and respectful treatment of children with a boeron will lead to the fact that they become friends. Other pets should immediately agree that their place in the family hierarchy is always one step lower than that of the boseron.


Representatives of this breed in the apartment feel uncomfortable. They need space and freedom. In addition, these dogs have a specific unpleasant odor, so the street is the best solution for a boseron.

To smell was not so expressive, the dog can be periodically bathed with shampoo from a hose in the yard or in the bathroom. The shine of the wool will provide one combing per week. If the dog is inconvenienced or pains overgrown claws, then they should be cut off. Like all shepherd dogs, a woman loves to walk a lot and long, so for his health the owner will have to spend on fresh air a lot of time. Long cycling, morning jogging, leisurely walk through the park, swimming - in all this, the beaeron will be happy to make you a company. Competent and adequate care for the French shepherd will give a devoted pet, who will live next to you from ten to twelve years.


Bocerons, like most representatives of shepherd breeds, often have such diseases as hip dysplasia, swelling of the intestines (bloating) and progressive atrophy of the retina. If the owner regularly visits the dog for scheduled check-ups to the veterinarian, then, detected at an early stage, these diseases can be successfully cured. The same forms lead to complete blindness, paralysis and even the death of the animal.