Aquarium soil

The aquarium soil is one of the most important constituent parts of the artificial aquatic ecosystem. It multiplies the bacteria necessary to maintain balance, strengthens the root system of plants, some types of fish need soil to throw caviar.

Types of aquarium soils

There are several most popular types of soil for the aquarium, they differ in the size of the particles, the origin of the material, and also the appearance. In addition, it should be noted that recently it has become popular to arrange so-called hygienic aquariums, in which the soil is completely absent. However, this option is not suitable for all types of fish , and especially poorly corresponds to the conditions of growing plants .

The first type of soil for the aquarium - pebbles, natural gravel, gravel and sand, that is, natural materials that can be collected even independently. In this case, if the size of the granules is less than 1 mm, then we have sand, more than 5 mm - pebbles.

The second variant of the soil is chemically or physically processed natural materials purchased at the pet store. They are safer, because they are already prepared for use in the aquarium, but they look like natural soil.

Finally, artificial soils. Can have a different size and color design, which allows you to create aquariums with the most unusual and interesting landscapes.

What kind of soil is needed for aquarium plants?

Aquarium plants use the soil not only as a strengthening element for the development of the root system. From the ground, they also take a variety of nutrients necessary for proper livelihoods. They are produced by special bacteria that eventually appear in the soil.

But the first 2-3 weeks after the launch of a new aquarium, the soil is not saturated with nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to use the so-called nutrient aquarium soil. It is a special mineral additives that mix with the selected type of decorative soil and give the plants the necessary microelements for their life in the first time, until the necessary bacteria appear in the ecosystem.