Child in 5 months - development and nutrition

The baby is growing invisibly, but looking back, parents are surprised to find that their newly born child has changed very much, and at 5 months its development is accelerating, although the food remains unchanged - only the mother's breast or a mixture of the bottle.

Physical development of the child 5-6 months

Among the features of the development of the baby 5 months can be identified increased activity. The child still does not crawl and does not sit, but all the time, free from feeding and sleeping, spends on the move - turns from back to belly, makes attempts to roll back, turns around its axis, not tearing off the tummy from the surface.

At this age, it is no longer possible to leave the child unattended on a changing table or even in the middle of a large bed. And even if the child is not yet able to turn over, right now he can learn it at one time, and it is important that mom was on the check.

Children of five months of age like to lie on their tummies for a long time and to examine the world around them from this position. Right now it is possible to change the behavior not for the better, as kids all the time need to change the viewing angle, but without the help of adults this is not yet possible. That is why many half-year-old children become "tame" because in this situation it is much more interesting to survey the neighborhood.

At 5 months, the motility of the handles becomes more active - the child can hold both large and small objects for a long time, but not always the kid understands how to get rid of them. If you put a bright and interesting object at arm's length, the child will actively try to get it out, trying to crawl with the help of handles in a plastic way on his stomach.

At the age of half a year the majority of children die first tooth. As a rule, this is the lower central incisor. It can be one or at once in a pair, and in rare cases the first becomes any tooth out of a possible twenty.

Mental development of a five-month-old baby

A child of 5-6 months is already different in development from himself a month ago. At the age of about half a year, children react violently to adults - but only on their own, but they are already wary of strangers.

Children laugh, walk and smile in response to an appeal to them mom, dad or beloved grandmother. Kids react to pets, the image on the TV screen, carefully examining them.

How does the child grow?

There are special tables in which the development of the child in 5-6 months (weight, height, introduced complementary feeding) is displayed. For each of these parameters, there are their own standards, referring to which the doctor monitors the development of the baby.

At five months, boys weigh at least 6.1 kg, and the maximum limit should not exceed 8.3 kg. The girls are somewhat smaller and weigh 5.5-7.7 kg, respectively. Pediatricians of children's polyclinics are guided by these data.

WHO, or the World Health Organization, offers several broadened norms. For boys this is 6.0-9.3 kg, and for girls 5.4-8.8 kg. Proceeding from these figures, babies can afford to be slightly thinner or slightly more than the standard recommended by domestic pediatricians.

Nutrition of the child in 5-6 months

The baby still eats the mixture or is breastfed, which occurs on demand. But as soon as the precinct doctor gives good, you can start giving him the first dishes of complementary foods. It can be mashed potatoes, zucchini or dairy-free cereal - it all depends on the pediatrician's appointment, based on the weight of the child.

Lure is given in the morning by tiny portions - half a teaspoon. Mom must follow the changes in the stool and the general condition of the baby. If he took the new food well, then the amount of the portion is gradually increased, from day to day adding a spoonful of half.