12 shocking medical experiments conducted on people

History hides many facts relating to the terrible experiments on people who were conducted "in the name" of medicine. Some of them became known to the public.

Tests of new drugs and methods of treatment are carried out in humans only when there is confidence that the number of negative consequences is minimized. Unfortunately, it was not always so. History knows several cases when people became guinea-pigs not of their own free will and suffered tremendous anguish and pain.

1. Ways to "climb" a person in the head

In the 1950s and 1960s, the CIA launched a research program called the MKULTRA project, tests were conducted on the effects on the brain of various types of drugs and psychotropic drugs in order to find a way to manipulate consciousness. The CIA, military, doctors, prostitutes and people of other categories were injected with drugs, studying their reaction. Most importantly, people did not know that they were experimental. In addition, brothels were created, where tests were conducted and the results were recorded with the help of hidden cameras for later analysis. In 1973, the CIA chief ordered to destroy all documents related to this project, so it was not possible to find evidence of such terrible experiments.

2. Operative treatment of insanity

In 1907, Dr. Henry Cotton became the principal in the psychiatric hospital in the city of Trenton, and he began to work out his theory that the main cause of insanity is a localized infection. The doctor performed thousands of operations without the consent of patients who were bloody and heartless. People were removed teeth, tonsils and internal organs, which, according to the doctor, were the source of the problem. And most of all, it's surprising that the doctor believed in his theory so much that he tested it on himself and his family. Cotton too exaggerated the results of his research, and after his death they were never conducted again.

3. Terrible research on the effect of radiation

In 1954, terrible experiments were conducted in the Americas over the inhabitants of the Marshall Islands. People were exposed to radioactive fallout. The research was called "Project 4.1". During the first ten years the picture was not clear, but after another 10 years the effect was noticeable. Children began to often diagnose thyroid cancer, and almost every third inhabitant of the islands suffered from developing neoplasms. As a result, the department of the energy committee said that the experimenters needed not to carry out such studies, but to provide assistance to the victims.

4. Not a method of treatment, but torture

It is good that medicine does not stand still and is constantly evolving, because earlier methods of treatment were, to put it mildly, not humane. For example, in 1840, Dr. Walter Johnson treated typhoid pneumonia with boiling water. For many months he tested this technique on slaves. Jones in great detail described how one sick 25-year-old man was stripped, put on his stomach and poured on his back 19 liters of boiling water. After this, the procedure had to be repeated every 4 hours, which, according to the doctor, was supposed to restore the capillary circulation. Jones claimed to have saved many, but this has no independent confirmation.

5. Hidden and Dangerous North Korea

The most closed country in which, in fact, different experiments can be conducted, (still no one will know about them) - North Korea. There is evidence that human rights are being violated there, studies similar to those of the Nazis during the war are being carried out. For example, a woman who served time in a North Korean prison claims that the prisoners were forced to eat poisoned cabbage, and people died 20 minutes after the bloody vomiting. There is also evidence that there are glass laboratory chambers in prisons, into which entire families were wound up and poisoned with gas. During this time, the researchers observed the suffering of people.

6. Experiment that caused general outrage

In 1939, at the University of Iowa, Wendell Johnson and his graduate student conducted a nightmarish experiment in which orphans were found to be experimental subjects. The children were divided into two groups and one began to be encouraged and praised for the fluency of speech, and the second - to scold and negatively respond for logopedic problems. As a result, children who spoke normally and were exposed to negative influence, acquired speech deviations for life. To preserve the reputation of a well-known university, the results of experiments were hidden for a long time, and only in 2001 the management brought a public apology.

7. Experiments related to electric current

More than a hundred years ago, electric shock treatment was very popular. Dr. Robert Bartolow realized a unique experiment, treating a woman suffering from an ulcer on the skull. It happened in 1847. The ulcer spread on a large area, destroying the bone, as a result of which it was possible to see the woman's brain. The doctor decided to take advantage of this and carried out the effect of the current directly on the organ. At first the patient felt relieved, but after falling into a coma and died. The public rebelled, so Bartolou had to move.

8. Destruction of people with non-traditional orientation

It is in the modern world in many countries that the society becomes tolerant of people with non-traditional orientation, and before they sought to isolate and destroy. In the period from 1971 to 1989 in the military hospitals of South Africa was implemented the project "Aversia", which was aimed at eradicating homosexuality. As a result, about 900 soldiers of both sexes suffered several unethical and terrible medical experiments.

First of all, it is surprising that the priests "diagnosed" homosexuals. First, the "patients" underwent drug therapy, and if there were no results, then psychiatrists switched to more radical methods: hormonal and shock therapy. The excitement of the experimenters did not end there, and the poor military were subjected to chemical castration, and some even changed their sex.

9. The shocking opening of the White House

During the reign of Barack Obama, the government formed an investigative committee that conducted research and found that in 1946 the White House sponsored researchers who deliberately infected syphilis with 1,300 Guatemalans. The experiments lasted two years, and their goal was to reveal the effectiveness of penicillin in the treatment of this disease.

Researchers have committed a terrible: they paid prostitutes, for which they spread the disease among soldiers, prisoners and people with mental illnesses. These victims did not suspect that they were sick. As a result of the experiment, 83 people died from syphilis. When everything was open, Barack Obama personally apologized to the government and the people of Guatemala.

10. Psychological prison experiments

In 1971, psychologist Philip Zimbardo decided to conduct an experiment to determine the reaction of people in captivity and those who have power. The volunteer students at Stanford University were divided into groups: prisoners and guards. As a result, there was a game in the "prison". The psychologist discovered unexpected reactions in young people, so, those who were in the role of guards, began to show sadistic tendencies, and "prisoners" expressed emotional depression and impotence. Zimbardo stopped the experiment prematurely, because emotional outbursts were too bright.

11. Military mortal research

From the following information it is impossible not to flinch. During the Sino-Japanese and World War II, there was a secret biological and chemical military research group, which was called the "Block 731". Siro Ishii commanded him and he was heartless, as he thought about people and conducted vivisection (opening of living organisms), and even pregnant women, amputation and freezing of limbs, introduced strains of pathogens of various diseases. And the prisoners were used as live targets for weapons testing.

Shocking is the information that after the end of hostilities Ishii was inviolable from the American occupation authorities. As a result, he spent one day in prison and died at 67 years of cancer of the larynx.

12. Dangerous investigations of the secret services of the USSR

In Soviet times, there was a secret base where they checked the effect of poisons on people. Subjects were the so-called "enemies of the people." Studies were carried out not just so, but to determine the formula of a chemical that can not be identified after the death of a person. As a result, the drug was discovered and it was called "K-2." Witnesses said that under the influence of this poison a person loses strength, becomes, as if lower, and dies for 15 minutes.