You should know this: 25 terrible facts about bed bugs

Do you still think that all these bugs, seemingly innocuous at first glance, are not capable of harming you?

Everyone who has slept in a hostel on old mattresses knows what it's like when bed bugs bite you. What can I say, but this and the enemy does not want. Worst of all, now, how not to remove these insects, the body of many of them has developed resistance to many pesticides. And this frightens. Do you still think that bedbugs are something innocuous? Then you, like no one else, should read the facts below.

1. The size, color and shape of adults in appearance looks like apple kernels.

2. When you are awake, you are unlikely to be able to find them, since these insects are hiding in the most secluded corners.

3. They are found everywhere. So, bedbugs live on every continent, of course, except Antarctica. And in the whole world there are about 40 000 species of these arthropods.

4. Bed bugs can live without food for a long time. How many? About 5 months.

5. Bites of bedbugs are painless. The reason is that their saliva contains an anesthetic substance. It is also known that many people do not notice that bugs bite them.

6. You will not believe, but because of bedbugs, many people develop paranoia and raise their anxiety level. If they were bitten by these insects, it may seem to them that these arthropods are still on their body. By the way, Louis XIV suffered from insomnia precisely because of bedbugs.

7. Female bugs daily lay from one to five eggs. In an apartment bugs can live anywhere, not just in bed. They like to hide in crevices of skirting boards, wallpaper, furniture, behind carpets and paintings. The main principle is closer to the source of food, that is, to people or to their pets.

8. By nature bugs bugs look like mosquito bites or fleas, sometimes they are confused with scabies or an allergic rash. A bug often makes several bites nearby, leaving behind a "path".

9. In order for the insect to naselos, he needs from 3 to 10 minutes of time.

10. You will not believe, but in his entire life (12-14 months) the female bug lays 500 eggs! As for fertilization, it is terrible. The process is a violent method. The male attacks the female and pierces her abdomen with her sexual organ.

11. Even if your house shines with cleanliness, it does not mean that it does not have bed bugs. Although this really reduces the number of places in which these insects can hide. In a clean, uncleaned room, bloodsuckers have less opportunity to hide, and it's easier for owners to monitor the situation.

12. Bedbugs are not the cause of any disease, however, it is the carrier of such serious infections as hepatitis, smallpox and typhoid fever.

13. And even in 5-star hotels these insects can live.

14. Even if you are not afraid of bedbugs, remember that these bloodsuckers can cause asthma and Quincke's swelling.

15. Bugs, clothes, bags and other personal belongings are used as vehicles for long-distance travel.

16. By the way, despite its name, bed bugs live not only in mattresses. You will not believe, but they can bite you in the metro, the theater and even on the ferry.

17. Bedbugs leave behind small black specks. As a rule, these are their fecal traces, which are concentrated in places where insects gather. They can often be seen on the sheets.

18. If you have a hard skin, then the insect will be hard to bite the skin. In addition, people with rough, hard skin bugs bite less often those who have it thin.

19. Studies have shown that the temperature -30˚C is critical for bedbugs. Cold and frost kill parasites with the right combination of temperature and exposure time.

20. Infected linen is enough to wash in hot water, and some pieces of furniture and other things to treat hot air or steam.

21. Bugs have resistance to insecticides. It is inherited by new generations, and in every case of infection it is impossible to know in advance whether a particular pesticide will work.

22. Even if you decide to get rid of nasty insects when you move to another house, consider that they can move with you.

23. It is interesting that the accuracy of the detection of dog bugs is 97%. And why? Yes, because these ears have a terrific nose. So you get a wet friend.

24. There have been occasions when bedbugs have caused litigation. So, a couple from Chicago filed a lawsuit against the hotel Nevele, located in a suburb of New York. For moral damage and harm to health, hotel owners must pay a couple of $ 20 million.

25. It's terrible, but bedbugs can kill a person. This is a rather rare case, but once an elderly lady from Pennsylvania, the USA, died of sepsis, a blood infection caused by bites of bugs.