26 phrases that are not worth talking to curly people

How come you do not have a comb ?!

1. "How do you stack them?"

Step 1: Wake up

Step 2: Taking a shower

Step 3: Hope for the best

2. "Can I touch them? Can I play with them? "

Well, please, do not!

3. When you do allow to touch your hair, you suddenly hear: "Oh, there is something here!"

Now do not say that you were not warned.

4. "Have you ever tried to straighten them?"

5. "Your hair is straight!"

"Well, why do you have to tell me disgusting ?!"

These words sound like a compliment, but they are offensive to you personally.

6. "I like how your hair is springing when I pull them, and then I release them. This can be done forever. "

"I'll shake everything out of you that I can and I'm not kidding."

7. How I wish I had such an interesting hairstyle.

"Oh, look, one more glorious morning."

And I would not like to look every morning like Chewbacca. But this is life!

8. "Do you curl them every morning?"

And what do you think?!

9. "I can recommend you an excellent beauty salon."

Shut up!

No no and one more time no! Salons will not help, I need a magician. Is there anyone in mind?

10. "How come, you do not have a comb?"

Well, that is, she was ...

11. "Then how do you comb your hair?"

Until I become like a wild lion, I do not even try.

12. "You are lucky, you can say, a natural chemical wave."

No, perm would have been better.

13. "Why do you need so much hair care?"

To not look like I'm from the Stone Age, while my hair is completely ignoring gravity.

14. "Why are you going to take so long?"

Because I do not want to look like the next two days, as if I were electrocuted.

15. "Do not behave like a child, it's just a little rain."

16. "Why do curls look different in cinema?"

Natural curls.

Three steps to make curls like movie stars:

  1. Straighten your natural curly hair.
  2. Make curls with curling irons.
  3. Go out and spread the myth of how real curls look.

17. "Yes, my hair is very strong also."

This is how I see other people who say that their hair also curls.

18. And how do I look when I say that my hair is curly?

19. "You have great curls today."

Well, let's pretend that I made them on purpose.

20. You have so much hair!

That's right, thanks!

21. "How much time does it take to straighten your hair?"

A few hours, but in general, probably, whole years of my life. More questions?

22. Relatives or friends: "I find your hair ABSOLUTELY everywhere!"

I do not care.

I leave traces of hair wherever I go, so it will be easy to find me if I am kidnapped.

23. Old-fashioned family: "And why do you need to spoil your hair with all sorts of chemistry?"

"I'm sorry, did you say something?", "I can not hear anything through those damn hair!"

24. "I found an amazing hair conditioner, you need to try. It works great, I promise. "

I do not need air conditioning, but other hair.

25. "I do not understand why you do not comb them more often."

26. "If everything is so bad, then why do not you use permanent erection?"

Because in fact I really love my hair!