22 Original Ways to Use Ear Wands

Did you know that doctors do not advise using cotton wool to clean the ears? And for what then they are needed? We will give you some advice!

1. Sprinkle the cotton tips with your favorite perfume, put the sticks in a bag with a clasp, take them with you and smell all day.

A bottle with perfume takes up too much space, a bag of chopsticks can fit even in a purse. Refresh the fragrance throughout the day by touching the perfumed tip of the wrist, elbow and knee folds, neck and behind the ears, and the subtle scent of your favorite perfume will envelop you all day.

2. Make a mixture for teeth whitening, mixing baking soda, toothpaste and hydrogen peroxide, and apply it with an ear stick.

With one end of the wand, wipe each tooth dry, another apply the mixture for one minute, then brush your teeth. Repeat the procedure several times a week until you get the desired result.

3. Lower the wand into a transparent powder and circle around the lips - the lipstick will not spread.

The layer of powder applied by the stick will create an additional barrier, and the lipstick will not go beyond the contour.

4. Paint the roots with the earwax, dipping it in the eye shadow.

There is no time to be painted? Apply a suitable color of the shadows on the rooted roots - and the hair is ok.

5. Moisten the cotton tip in a mixture of soda and hydrogen peroxide to remove specks from the hair dye.

When painting the hair at home, the paint can get on the neck or face. Make a thick whitening mixture, dip your wand and wipe the stain in a circular motion.

6. Clean the mesh from the hair dryer with an ear stick.

To avoid problems, the reticule from the hair dryer should be cleaned regularly. It is most convenient to do this with a cotton swab.

7. If you are going on a trip, take the chopsticks with you, putting them in a vial of tablets.

So they will not crumble all over the bag.

8. The jammed zipper can be fixed by wiping it with a cotton tip dipped in shampoo.

It will act as a lubricant, and the jammed fabric will be released from the fastener.

9. Loss on the lacquer shoe can be easily removed by wiping the stain with a stick dipped in a liquid to remove varnish.

10. Pour a little liquid to remove the varnish in the lid, dip a cotton swab and remove excess lacquer around the nails.

11. Remove the pimples with a cotton swab and a hot shower.

Take a hot shower, wipe dry and, while the skin is still soft and steamed, take two sticks and gently squeeze the pimple. It should be easy to get out, but if it does not work out, do not: it means it has not matured yet.

12. The liquid for removing make-up has ended - it does not matter. Dip the cotton bud in a moisturizing lotion and take off the makeup.

13. Put on the cotton buds eye cream, put it in a plastic bag and freeze. Use for morning make-up to remove bags under the eyes.

Check if the cream contains caffeine, which promotes skin tightening, and cucumber, to soothe and relieve swelling. In the morning, draw a cotton swab with frozen cream from the inner corner to the outside, pressing a little. This massage effect contributes to the outflow of excess fluid from under the eye, and a cold cream reduces puffiness.

14. Between the layers of the carcass, go through the eyelashes with a cotton swab with talc for the effect of thick eyelashes.

Talc or usual baby powder cover the eyelashes, creating an effect of volume and when applying a second layer of carcass.

15. If the ink has got on the eyelids, remove it with the tip of the earwax - the shadows will not be erased.

Wait until the ink dries, otherwise it will smudge through the eyelid, touch the spot with the tip of the stick and scroll it - the mascara will remain on the cotton wool.

16. Apply glue for artificial eyelashes with a stick.

Squeeze a little of the glue onto the cotton tip and spread evenly over the base of the eyelashes. Wait a few seconds and attach them as close to your eyelashes as possible to make them look natural.

17. Adjust the arrows with a cotton swab soaked in a makeup remover.

18. Create a glance effect with povolokoy, smearing the contour with a cotton swab.

19. Apply shadows gently with a blurry transition, you can, if you stretch the cotton tip on the fibers.

20. Dial the shadows you normally use on the sticks, put them in a bag with a clasp and use them during the trip.

Thus, you will save space, and most importantly the shadows will not break and do not crumble over the bag.

21. Use chopsticks instead of eyebrow pencil.

A soft line will create the effect of a naturally thick eyebrow.

22. Apply the blush evenly, indicating the line of the cheekbones with the help of an earwax.

Then smear the blush along the line, giving make-up a natural look.