Herculean Diet

The Herculean diet is a simple, pleasant and safe way to lose about five kilograms in just one week. This method of weight loss is good in many of its parameters: first, to lose weight in this way is quite inexpensive, and secondly, it perfectly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, and thirdly, you will hardly faint from hunger - the diet is very tolerated easily!

Hercules: diet for health

It's no secret that the Herculean diet can serve not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body. It is known that Hercules cleans vessels, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, promotes the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Hercules is rich in vitamins and trace elements, which also make it useful to humans: zinc, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, as well as vitamins PP, B1, B2, E. In addition, it is rich in fiber, which cleanses the intestines and improves its work.

Herculean diet for weight loss: option first

Diet on Herculean porridge can be very simple (but this is not too diverse). In the first version, you have to eat for one week exclusively with a porridge for a diet prepared for this recipe: take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, put them in a bowl and pour boiling water. Cover and let stand for about 10 minutes. Done! Starting from the fourth day of the diet, you can add a grated apple or a few vegetables to this dinner (cucumbers, cabbage).

You can eat porridge as many times as you will feel hunger, a portion of the specified size. Of course, there can not be added salt, sugar, cream, milk, condensed milk, jam and anything else. Usually it's 3-4 meals a day. In addition, it is important to take a multivitamin that will make up for the lack of all other elements, and do not forget about sufficient water intake - about 6 glasses per day.

Such a diet for oatmeal may be unsafe only for those people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Before using this system, they should consult a doctor.

Hertz Diet: Option Two

Such a herculean diet is similar to the first in effectiveness, but the diet is much more varied, although it is repeated from day to day. The menu is designed for one day and nothing, except what is in the menu, can not be added to the ration.

This diet is better than the previous one in that its menu is more balanced. However, if the first the option does not limit the number of meals, there are strictly three of them, so on such an extended version you can starve even more than the first. Of course, the porridge is prepared according to the same recipe as mentioned above, and salt and sugar can not be added to it.

Such a herculean diet gives excellent results: your body will be cleansed, rest, you will feel lightness in the whole body, and besides, you will lose about 4-5 kilograms. The result depends on how much you have overweight: if you only weigh 50 kilograms, then you should not count on this result, but if more than 65, then the effectiveness will be excellent.