How to feed a newborn kitten?

It's good, when the cat independently and without special problems feeds its long-awaited offspring. But in some regrettable cases, fluffy mom rejects kids, treats them aggressively, dies after childbirth or her milk disappears. Then the hostesses are forced to take all available measures to ensure that newborn kittens without a cat survive, feeding them independently. Next, we will tell you how to feed a newborn kitten by yourself.

Than to feed newborn kittens?

To any mistakes in this responsible case, the kittens react instantly - diarrhea, vomiting, pain in the intestines, convulsions, deterioration of health will immediately be felt. There are rules that allow you to balance the baby's nutrition. Let's list several possible options how to feed kittens without a cat:

  1. We buy a factory substitute for cat milk (BABYCAT MILK ROYAL CANIN or another), saturated with fats and proteins. Such compositions are better to take only in specialized vetaptekah. They are as close to natural milk as possible, and also have a low percentage of lactose. In addition, quality mixes for kittens do not contain in their composition harmful to newly born babies starch.
  2. Preparation of food from baby food intended for newborns. It is advisable to take quality mixtures intended for babies up to two weeks of age. But all the same, you need to prepare such food about twice as hard as it is written in the instructions.
  3. Some people practice mixing cow or goat milk with egg whites. Milk is boiled, cooled and poured into a container, adding egg white in a proportion of 4 to 1, after which the resulting mixture is whipped well.

Feeding Schedule

Very well helps in the matter of feeding a newborn kitten weighing a pet. Approximate daily weight gain of a healthy baby is about 20 grams. There are different nuances, so it's best to do this periodically so as not to overdose the diet. A simple instruction is to add about 4-5 grams of feed per each added gram of the weight of the ward.

The temperature of the mixture in the first week is 38-39 degrees, the second - 30-32 ° C, further down it by the fourth week to almost room temperature 24-26 ° C. The first five days of the baby are fed in the daytime every 2 hours, and at night after 3 hours. Starting from the fifth day, they switch to feeding every 4 hours. Adding food to other foods can be started only gradually from the third week. Suitable cottage cheese cottage cheese (low-fat), boiled fish, steeply boiled egg, porridge.

A newborn kitten does not eat with a spoon, he needs a special device. A pipette or a syringe with an extended needle will help. It will take almost a month to suffer, until small teeth appear. Take care that the baby does not choke when it sucks. Let the kid take his time. The first four days it is enough for 30 ml per 100 g of weight. From the fifth day to the end of the second week - 38 ml per 100 g. Until the end of the 4 th week, it is desirable to give the baby a food amount of 46 g per 100 g of weight.

To teach the kitten to the bowl we will begin on the 4th week. We do this in a simple way - we lubricate the mouthful with a delicious milk mixture and bring it to a saucer. A hungry pet will start lapping the mixture on its own. Do not forget about boiling a pipette, syringe, bottle or nipple. Also, the hostess must ensure that the prepared mixture does not last more than a day.

An important point is stroking the calf on the tummy, tanks and back. Do this procedure you need moistened with a damp cloth - this stimulates the digestive tract of the newborn. Observing not very complicated rules, you can achieve good results even when a cat can not feed its own cubs by itself.