Guinea fowl - breeding

For not entirely understandable reasons, breeding guinea fowl at home is not becoming popular, although this bird is extremely unpretentious in nursing, perfectly gets on with the rest of the inhabitants of the house and is very cost-effective.

The breeding of guinea fowls is advantageous for the simple reason that you can get an impressive amount of meat, which has high taste and dietary properties, almost 30% of protein and is considered a delicacy. Eggs guinea-pigs have a thick and strong shell, which makes it possible to store the product for a long time. Protein and yolk do not cause allergies in either adults or children.

The maintenance and cultivation of guinea fowl

The decision to deal with the content of this type of pet should be weighed and considered. To begin with, it is worth buying a pair to understand if they are right for you and whether you are able to provide the bird and youngsters with everything you need.

You need to understand how to distinguish a guinea fowl from a Caesar, and it is not easy to do it.

  1. The adult female is larger than the male.
  2. "Men" have a wide and thick beak with a developed wax.
  3. The helmet is much brighter than the "friend", massive and sloping. The same goes for earrings - they are longer and have a more expressive color.

It is necessary to accurately and in advance determine the sex of guinea fowl, because then it will be difficult to form or break up couples. However, under the wrong conditions of keeping the poultry from the seller, it is useless to focus on growth and weight, as females can be of the same complexion as males. In this case, the question of how to distinguish the sex of guinea fowls is somewhat difficult to solve.

Nests for guinea fowl

Spending the time and effort to build nests for this bird does not have any, if it is not contained in the cages. The guinea fowl chooses and builds nests there, where it is considered necessary, namely under bushes or in thickets of grass. They, as a rule, are collective, and in one place all the female individuals of the herd can lay eggs. In order to reduce the loss of eggs, birds should be left in the paddock until noon, until they are taken down, and only then released to the pasture or to the garden.

How are guinea fowls carried?

These birds rush all the warm season. To increase the offspring, do not take all the eggs from the nest. You need to leave 2 or 3 to ensure that the bird does not find the nest devastated and continued to rush precisely in this place.

As a rule, after the second ten eggs the guinea fowl begins to incubate, for which it, together with the offspring, should be placed in a specially equipped cage. Shyness of the bird leads to a decrease in the probability of egg laying, and the mother casts her nostrils long before hatching. It is advisable to use a chicken or turkey as a hen.

Baby care after hatching

Do not immediately take the kids out from under the hen, give them the opportunity to dry and warm. Next, the family needs to walk and bathe, after which they are moved to a clean and dry room where sand should be poured on the floor.

An obligatory condition for the reproduction of guinea fowls is constant and uniform heat. The first feed will be a grated boiled egg and millet millet porridge. You should definitely provide access to fresh and clean water, but provide it in such a way as to exclude the possibility of wetting the chicks. Give them finely chopped greens and grass, better together with turf, earthworms and slugs.

Do not overfeed the kids, because it is fraught with a digestive disorder and death. In two months, it is possible to start producing young animals in pasture, where they will feed themselves.

These recommendations on how to breed guinea fowl, generalized and should personally closely monitor the condition of their pets, the quality of feeds provided, and so on.