This kid repeated the photo session of his model uncle, and seems to have surpassed him!

Why do we like Instagram? Yes, for that at any time of the day and night we have the opportunity to enjoy pictures of beautiful landscapes, appetizing food and, of course, inflated models.

But besides in the vastness of this application you can see many nice pictures of charming children. And there is one account that you especially want to highlight. So, in one New York family, the handsome Aristotle Polites works as a model. He has a sister Katina Behm, and she, in turn, has a son named Ogi.

"It all started from the moment when I once could not put a shirt on my son," Katina says. - It looked like the cover of some female novel. I laughed and decided to take a picture, and then realized that my brother Aris has a similar one. I sent both photos to my family and asked who was cooler. "

Since then, Ogi and Aris have a separate Instagram-page, to which Katina loads the sweetest identical pictures of a professional and a novice model. Agree that this kid is charming, but his uncle can look endlessly?