Weakness in the legs

Flexible mill, thin waist, long slender legs in shoes on heels - all these are attributes of elegant femininity. But there is a downside to the coin. For a long working day, a poor woman gets tired so that she no longer has beauty. Lomit's back, his head hurts and, most importantly, his feet are buzzing with a long walk on his heels. With age, if you do not take any measures, the picture can get worse: in the legs there is weakness, pain and trembling, walking on the hairpin becomes difficult. But is it only your fault? Let's understand this difficult question.

Why do legs become weak?

The causes of muscle weakness, pain and trembling in the legs is very, very much. At a young age, as already mentioned, it can be uncomfortable shoes with high heels, fatigue at work, costs of professional activity, long standing or sitting in one pose. Sometimes a sudden strong weakness in the muscles of the legs can be observed in newly given women due to weakening of the body.

The second category is the elderly. For them, weakness in the muscles of the legs is quite natural. After all, over time, the body wears out and grows old, from this, unfortunately, you can not escape.

And one more group are people with various diseases, where muscle weakness, trembling and pain in the legs is one of the main symptoms. There are a lot of such diseases, but all of them are conditionally divided into three main groups:

  1. First, it is ailments of vascular genesis. Varicose veins of the lower extremities and obliterating endarteritis. They are characterized by impaired blood circulation, intermittent claudication and sudden sudden pain and weakness in the legs with prolonged physical exertion.
  2. Secondly, violations of the musculoskeletal system - arthritis, arthrosis, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, etc. Here the root of the problem lies in the deposition of salts, inflammation of the musculoskeletal system and nerve impairment.
  3. Third, disruptions in the work of the endocrine system. Most often it is hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus. With these diseases, due to hormonal disorders, numbness and weakness in the legs are typical in the morning after awakening.

And what should I do?

But whatever lies at the base of this problem, it can and should be eliminated. And there are a lot of methods for this. For young people, these are preventive measures, because any disease is easier to prevent than cure. So, if you do not want to gain old age or even middle age, get weakness and pain in the muscles of your legs, from youth, refuse everyday wear of hairpins, replacing them with a lower and more stable heel. At work, do not forget to give at least five minutes per hour physical relief. Watch for weight and nutrition.

Elderly and sick people can be recommended to exercise lightly in the morning, long walks in the fresh air, as well as attentive treatment and timely treatment of their sores. Of course, medical treatment should be referred to specialists, but we can share some recipes of folk medicine with you.

Recipe 1

Take in equal parts leaves and flowers of the following plants: hawthorn blood-red, linden heart, hazel (hazel) and cherry. A tablespoon of shredded collection pour a glass of steep boiling water and insist an hour. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating for 45-60 days. Then take a break for 30 days and repeat the course again. This is an excellent remedy for weakness in the legs in vascular diseases.

Recipe 2

In early spring or late autumn, dig up the roots of dandelion and, after washing well, chop them. In day you need to eat 2 rootlets. They can be dried and ground in a blender or meat grinder, and then added to food or tea brew. This remedy is suitable for people suffering from circulatory disorders, as well as diabetes and hypothyroidism.

Recipe 3

In a liter of hotly-tolerant hot water, dissolve a tablespoon of cooked iodized or sea salt. Take a cotton cloth, soak it in brine and wrap the sore spots. From above wrap your foot with a shawl and secure the compress. Keep it for 2 hours, and then take off and wash your feet with water. Such treatment of weakness and pain in the legs is suitable for the cores, and opornikov, and diabetics. And do not forget to move more. After all, movement is life.