Love Plots

Privoroty - this is not the most noble way to conquer and keep a man next. Women who decide on such an act do not realize that, in fact, the one whom they fascinate will never be the same, and, most likely, having obtained the desired slave, they will immediately lose interest in it.

But still, to make a love conspiracy is your moral right and responsibility, and, accordingly, the misfortune of the one to whom you are aiming. The most ancient love conspiracies were committed to improvised items - food, water, monthly blood.

Plot on an apple

Apple is a special magic fruit. His aura is thus filled with the first sinful fall of man. Not surprisingly, there are lots of love plots on an apple.

The simplest thing is to take an apple, cut it in half, clean the core. On a piece of paper write the name of your potential loved one, put it inside, connect the two halves of the apple. Finished fruit should be tied with strong woolen threads and say the following magical text:

"As this apple dries, so let the slave (a) of God (the name bewitched or bewitched) dries on me (his name)."

Put the apple in the sun to make it really dry, and not rotten. To speed up the process of "drying out your slave" is not worth it with the help of an oven, a microwave oven or a fire. It will be worse, you have already tried so hard, now leave the matter behind nature.

For food

The easiest way is to make a love plot for food. But for this, you should already have access to the "feeding" of your victim. Be careful that no one else tastes your delicacies. You can speak any food with the following text:

"The servant of God (name of man),

Satisfy your hunger with food,

And be always by my side (name).

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit,

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

On the candle

If you want to burn in the eyes of a sweet and do not extinguish the fire of love, read the love story by candle. To do this, you need to place his photograph behind a burning candle, so that the flame is at eye level. Further we read:

"I want to (name) look at me the same way, through the fire, through the ashes, through the air and the wind. To (name) saw me everywhere - on fast water, on cold ground, on snow and in clouds. In his way and his house, in the open field. Next to you, next to the body red, with fresh blood, with good thoughts. Amen. Amen. Amen".

On the water

A love conspiracy to water will succeed, if it is a question of your husband or a constant partner with a tendency to fading feelings.

In this conspiracy you will need to spit in his face with water.

Pour holy water into a glass and put it in your mouth. With a full mouth we go around the house and mentally read the text, holding a glass in hands. All this must occur on a full moon.

"Saliva, saliva, go from me to holy water, forbid all freedom to my husband, servant of God (name). As people can not without saliva and without water, so you, the servant of God, can not do without me (name), too. The key is in the mouth, the saliva in the water, and my husband is forever with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then we return with water, where it is necessary to sprinkle the spouse accidentally with water from the mouth.