Treatment of acute respiratory infections in lactation

ARVI, as a rule, has a seasonal character and is transmitted by airborne droplets. That's why it is impossible to protect yourself from the disease in conditions when almost every third is sick. Special attention is required treatment of acute respiratory viral infection in lactation, since it is important to choose the right drugs that do not harm the health of the child.

The first thing that is worth noting, with SARS in a nursing mother, breastfeeding should not be stopped. The fact is that even before the appearance of the first symptoms, the causative agents of the disease have already managed to enter the body of the child through the mother's milk. Therefore, to stop breastfeeding means to restrict access from the mother's body to the receipt of antibodies that help in the fight against infection.

Than to treat an ORVI?

How to knock down the temperature of the nursing mother should be decided only by the attending physician. As a rule, when breastfeeding is prescribed the use of viferon, ribovirin or another antiviral drug for nursing , whose effect on the children's body is at least somehow investigated. In any case, take the medicine carefully, strictly observing the dosage and carefully watching the reaction of the child. Of course, when an allergy occurs, the drug must be replaced with another one.

ORVI or ARD in a nursing mother - this is a fairly common phenomenon, so do not get upset and panic. In order to reduce the effect of medications on the baby, it is necessary to make a proper feeding schedule. Find out what time the concentration of the drug in the blood is at the highest level - this information can be found in the drug's manual or by asking a competent specialist. The time of feeding should be chosen so that the level of the drug in the blood, and, respectively, in breast milk was minimal. So you reduce the effect of the drug on the baby's body.