What does the right palate look like?

The palm is one of the most magical parts of the body. On the lines on it, predict the future , use hands and for various rituals. A lot of superstitions are also connected with the palms, which let you know about the facts of the future. Separately it is necessary to allocate the signs explaining why the right palm, a nose, a forehead, lips and other parts of a body are scratched. Most often they are warnings about some important events of the near future.

It is important before you understand the signs, exclude all the justified causes of the itching. If it touches the palate, it can itch because of excessive sweating, insect bites, allergies and various diseases.

What does the right palate look like?

Most often, the itch in this part of the hand is related to finance. How a person will make a profit depends on the day the palm was combed. If itching appeared on Monday - it's a sign that money will come unexpectedly and from an unknown source. Now we find out what the right hand is scratching on Tuesday: in this case it is necessary to expect wages in the coming days. If the itching appeared on Wednesday, it means that soon the old debt will be given. When the palm itches on Thursday is a harbinger of the prize. The itch of the right palm on Friday means that you will have to borrow money from someone on loan. If the palm of your hand itched on Saturday, then money will be a gift from a loved one. It remains to find out the meaning of the sign, why the right hand itches on Sunday. The itch on this day will tell you that you will get money due to the fact that you will sell some things. It is worth considering that the amount of the amount directly depends on the force of the overthrow. In another source, the itch in the right palm, on the contrary, promises unforeseen expenditure.

There is another interpretation of the sign, to which the right hand is scratched. According to him, the itch in this area appears on the eve of a date, and it can carry a completely different character. For example, for a young girl superstition promises a romantic meeting with a nice man, and if an itch appeared in the man-businessman, then soon he will participate in the negotiations, which will successfully end. Interpretations are signs, when the palms are itchy can also be divided into days of the week:

  1. Itching appeared on Monday, it means that the meeting will be with a friend.
  2. If you scratched your palm on Tuesday - this is a harbinger of meeting with an old friend.
  3. On Wednesday, the sign stands for something different: expect to get acquainted with a pleasant person.
  4. When the itch appeared on Thursday, then soon to meet with a loved one.
  5. If the palm itches on Friday is a sign that predicts an unexpected meeting.
  6. Itches the palm of your right hand on Saturday, then expect a romantic date.
  7. If the itch appeared on Sunday - it is a harbinger of a meeting with an influential person.

There is another decoding of the sign, why the right palm is itching. Itching can represent a restrained fury and irritation. To get rid of unpleasant sensations try to throw out energy. For this, you can go to a concert, football or a disco, in general, choose a place where you can scream. It may still itch in the palm of your hand before a crucial event in life. As is known for logic and thinking, the left hemisphere, which controls the right hand, answers. If there is an itch, then it is worth to take the full responsibility to the upcoming events.

As you can see, in fact, the same sign has many interpretations, so it is worthwhile to draw an analogy with your own life. In general, each person has the right to decide for himself whether to believe in these superstitions or not, but you can say one thing: they collect the wisdom of more than one generation.