Thursday salt from the evil eye and spoilage

Thursday salt in Orthodoxy is considered a special product, it can be cooked only once a year - on the Holy Thursday of the Holy Week. According to biblical history, it was on Thursday, on the eve of the crucifixion, that the last supper of Christ with the disciples took place. On this day of Holy Week it is customary to confess and receive communion, clean up in their homes and clean up on the eve of Easter , visit the bathhouse, prepare food for Easter and bake cakes, and make the salt of salt, which protects from evil eye and spoilage.

Use of Thursday salt

Since ancient times in Russia is famous for the salt of salt, the use of which is widely used due to its special properties. What is this product? This is a large table salt, which is calcined in a hot frying pan or in an oven, often adding crumbs of rye bread or a kvass thick. When preparing this spice, it is customary to read prayers so that the salt will acquire special healing properties. After cooling, the salt is crushed in a mortar, poured into a linen bag and stored for icons on the sherry.

On the Easter meal, the Thursday salt served as a seasoning for consecrated eggs and other Easter meals. This salt was used and throughout the year, with various gentry it was added to the food of the sick, from its solution made compresses and lotions, rubbed the sore spot. Treated in this way and domestic cattle, adding salt to the drinking bowl with water or mixing with bread crumb.

Seasoning served as a kind of amulet , it was sewn into a casket and carried with them on the chest, took on a long journey or to the front. It was believed that it could be saved from a bullet in the war, and from a bad person on the road.

Application of Thursday salt in magic

Thursday salt is not only an element of Orthodoxy, it is believed that it has strong magical properties. Used Thursday salt from the evil eye and spoilage, both human and housing. In the latter case, one does not even need to make any special rituals. If your home was prone to corruption or the evil eye, when piercing the salt in a frying pan it will emit a characteristic crackle. Just wait until the cracking stops, and complete the preparation of the healing seasoning by all rules. After that, you can assume that your home is completely cleared of negativity.