White stain on the nipple

Typically, the appearance of a white patch on the nipple of the breast, causes anxiety and panic in a woman. In order to understand, from what it was formed and what, in fact, the reason for its presence, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Let's consider the main factors that cause the occurrence of such a phenomenon in different periods of a woman's life.

Because of what there is a white spot on the nipple with HS?

First of all during breastfeeding, after seeing on the mammary gland in the nipple area a white spot, the feeding should exclude such a violation as lactostasis - occlusion of the ducts of the gland. In this violation as a result of the obstruction of the milk produced by the breast gland, its stagnation is noted. Therefore, the lactating woman complains about the appearance of small white spots. Such a violation is almost always accompanied by swelling, swelling, redness of the skin of the entire gland, a rise in body temperature.

Also, the reason for the sudden appearance of a white spot on the nipple may be candidiasis. This is most often noted with GV. So, after the next breast-feeding the woman discovers a small, white stain on the nipple. When examining the oral cavity of the baby, whitish plaque is observed, which indicates an active growth of the fungus.

Because of what there are white spots on the nipples during pregnancy?

A similar phenomenon is characteristic of the final stage of the gestational process - the end of the third trimester. It is at this time in the body of a future mother that there is an excess of prolactin concentration, which prepares the mammary glands for lactation. Many pregnant women note the appearance of small white spots, which, in fact, are nothing but colostrum. It must be said that at the same time the future mother does not bother.

Because of what else can such spots appear on the mammary gland?

White spots around the nipple and on it, can be nothing more than Fordis granules. This phenomenon can not be called a disease, tk. in fact - it's a cosmetic defect. The cause of its development is an innate feature of the localization of the sebaceous glands. It is in them that a secret is accumulated that does not go outside. Spots can appear not only on the nipples, but also in the armpits, pubic region, large labia, perineum.