Toad feng shui

The monetary toad of Feng Shui brings luck, wealth and prosperity. Also a toad is a symbol of longevity, because some of them live for decades.

However, like every talisman, a monetary toad has its secrets on multiplying money. How to properly handle a three-toad toad by feng shui should everyone know.

Frog feng shui - where to put better?

The frog should sit so as not to look outside, but into the apartment. So she will increase money, and not take away the last. Well, when the frog is located near the front door, it "jumps" into it, bringing with it riches. Another good place for the location of the mascot is the living room. It will be useful to plant a frog in a fountain or aquarium . Water activates the talisman, after which it will attract more money.

In the office, you can put money on the desktop. The upper left corner is most favorable for this.

Do not put a frog in the bedroom or in the kitchen, it's too stuffy and dirty for her.

Remember a few more rules. To make a feng shui work well for money, a toad should not sit on a hill - it does not like height. Wash it with running water several times a week and do not wipe it. The monetary toad should not look at the door or window, so that there is no leakage of funds. Do not "abuse" the talisman. In your home should be no more than nine toads.

If you urgently need money, plant a frog for a day in clean water.

Which toad to choose?

The execution of the monetary toad exists in many variants.

Toad on the elephant feng shui promotes rapid career growth. An elephant standing on gold coins with a toad or monkey on its back also symbolizes stability and wealth. Such a statuette has a double force. She takes good care of the well-being of her master.

Sometimes on the back of a toad you can see other frogs or Hotei. According to Feng Shui, Hotei on the toad personifies magic, prosperity and prosperity.

Hotei in China and Japan - one of the cheerful and carefree deities, bringing wealth and prosperity. In the house where Hotei appears, comes happiness, health, luck, success and new opportunities to achieve the goal. According to the belief, if you stroke the stomach three hundred times, Wanted desire will certainly be fulfilled.

When choosing a talisman, pay attention that the coin must be free to lie with the toad in the mouth, and not be glued. The sign says: if the toad unexpectedly "spit out" the coin (it will fall out), you will receive a profit.

What if I found a feng shui toad without a coin? As soon as possible, choose a new one, otherwise the talisman will be offended and deprive you of his protection.