Decaris for children

Decaris for children is used as an immunomodulating and anthelmintic. It has a broad spectrum of action against helminthiases. The use of a single dose gives a guarantee of getting rid of ascarids. There is no decarisse separately for children and adults, the difference is only in the dosage of the drug. Decaris tablets are available in two versions - a dosage of 50 mg for two tablets per pack and one tablet for 150 mg.

Decaris - indications for use

In addition, the drug is used as a general restorative for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, warts, herpes, autoimmune diseases and immune deficiency states. In combination with other drugs, decaris is used to restore the body after chemical and radiotherapy. It should be remembered that the drug can not replace antibiotics.

How does dekaris work?

The active substance of the drug - levamisole - has a paralytic effect on the larvae and adult specimens of the helminths. In most cases, a single application is enough, but sometimes, for example, in case of infection of the child with ankylostomosis, a single dose is not able to cope with all the parasites, so a re-application is prescribed.

How to take decaris?

Decaris treatment of children is selected individually after the necessary diagnosis and consultation with a doctor. On average, the dose of the drug is calculated based on the weight of the child - 2.5 mg of active ingredient per kilogram of weight. This dosage is usually used:

Take the drug is recommended at night. The effect of excretion of parasites from the body reaches its peak after the expiration of 24 hours from the moment of admission. If necessary, the treatment is prolonged by taking the tablets twice. During the therapy, constipation is possible, for the elimination of which glycerin suppositories should be used.

Also used decaris and for the prevention of helminthic invasions - one to two weeks after treatment to prevent re-infection or every six months for healthy children from three years.

The scheme of application of decaris for children as imunnomodulator is much more complicated. In this case the dosage and the schedule the doctor selects individually, he also determines the terms of treatment.

Dekaris - side effects

As in the case of other medications, with the reception of decaris, there may be an individual allergic reaction. It is also possible the appearance of hypersensitivity to the drug in the period of prolonged therapy. Most often in such cases, the periodic monitoring of blood indicators - with a significant reduction in red blood cell therapy is immediately abolished. Contraindicated use of decaris with drugs that can cause leukopenia.

When taking the drug, the following side effects are possible:

Dekaris - overdose

An overdose of the drug is possible with a fourfold excess of the maximum daily dose for children. There are symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, confusion, convulsions. Even lethargy is possible. If the dose is exceeded, the stomach is washed urgently and symptomatic therapy is performed.