Tonkinskaya cat

The history of the birth of the Tonkin cat begins with the end of the XIX century, when it was brought to England under the guise of a Siamese cat chocolate color. However, the color of these eastern beauties differed from the Siamese. The coat was brownish, and the eyes were yellow or greenish-blue.

The appearance in North America of the breed of cats of finestones is more accurately recorded. There is even a detailed description of the color and appearance of cats of the Tonkin breed. These animals had a brown-hazel shade of fur, small size, strong and short skeleton, short tail, compact flexible body. The head of the Tonkin cat, thinkines, was characterized by a short muzzle, rounded and broad cheekbones, and the widely spaced eyes had a rounded shape. It is this description that corresponds to the modern representatives of this ancient breed of cats.

History of the breed

During the breeding program, the breeders fixed and exaggerated the type of animal Wong Mau, which became the basis for the removal of the Burmese cat. The program used Siamese cats, and as a result of breeding, apart from animals with a darker color than Wong Mau, unusual babies were born. They were themselves an intermediate link between Burmese and Siamese cats. These animals had a light and uniform coat color - the so-called point. Their eyes were light blue with a greenish tint. This was the first kittens of thin-nosed, but for a long period they were considered hybrids, and, therefore, did not have the right to own registration.

And although today the Tonkin cat, obtained by hybridization, already has a standard and official status, but it is recognized only by American breeders. Their colleagues from European countries have not yet resolved the problem of the status of this breed. In general, the character of the Tonkin cat is a complex of features inherited from Siamese and Burmans. These slender, medium-sized animals have a muscular and strong body. The wool of thin-skinned, medium-length, silky, shiny. Due to the peace-loving nature and amazing curiosity, the Tonkin cats will become excellent companions. In addition, the fine-noses are extremely intelligent and have an uncommon intuition.

The content of the Tonkin cat

The maintenance and care of Tonkinsky cat is easy. If from the first days to accustom a kitten to a variety of food, then the food of the Tonkin cat will not cause problems. It is very useful for the animal to give greens, meat and vegetables. Even if the pet has a passion for potatoes, beans and cabbage, it is not worth it to feed these products, since they provoke discomfort in the stomach. Regarding the liver, then four times a month to treat her cat is quite acceptable. Exclude from the diet of a thin-skinned turkey, goose meat, soups, cereals and pasta. For cats in these products, there is nothing useful. In a day adult thinkinesis should consume about 200 grams of food. For castrated cats, this dose is reduced to 120 grams.

Tonkinskaya cat is very clean, almost does not shed. Wool thinkineza several times a week combing mitten or brush. This will increase blood flow. If the cat is soiled, the stain can be locally cleaned with a napkin. If too much dirt a pet can be bathed. Pay attention to the purity of the ears, eyes and teeth.

Your furniture will remain intact with tenacious claws, if in time, accustom the animal to the scratching. If there is a desire, walk the thin-skinned woman on the street on a leash.