Hens laying hens - the best breed for the house, how to choose the most optimal option?

Often hens are introduced in order to receive eggs. What are laying hens, the best breeds for the house - an important information for those who want to get a lot of eggs with little spending on care. Each species has its own characteristics, which will be interesting to know.

Breeds of laying hens

There are many breeds for the house, and there are also crosses for which high egg laying is characteristic. If you are interested in what better laying hens are for the house, know that one should choose the unpretentious breeds that will give not only a lot of eggs, but also good meat . They have common features that are typical for such individuals:

  1. The main advantage of such birds is a good egg lay, so, in the best breeds for a home, this figure can be above 300 pieces. in a year.
  2. The young are early maturing and most of the breeds are already beginning to be carried 120 days after birth.
  3. Species of many bearing rocks weigh approximately 2.3 kg, but the weight of male egg-breeds is larger and is about 3 kg. They can fly, and the plumage is better developed than in other breeds.
  4. One of the advantages of laying hens is that they digest and process all kinds of feeds, because they have a faster metabolism. Choose a worth of food rich in minerals. In the period of active egg-laying, birds need calcium, which is necessary for the strength of the shell.
  5. It is important to know that in the selection process, the gene for motherhood has been lost in the best breeds, so laying hens do not become hens. To breed the breed, you must use incubators or transfer eggs to other hens.

Chickens laying hens Dominant

Describing the best breeds for the house, we can not overlook the birds of the Dominant breed, because they are real record holders in the egg production. The main characteristics of birds:

  1. Nonsushka Dominant has a rich plumage and a massive body. Their paws are short, so the individuals look larger.
  2. Individuals reach a weight of 2.5 kg, while roosters are 0.5 kg heavier. Yaytsenoskost is impressive, and a year can receive up to 300 pcs. The weight of the egg is approximately 70 g. The Dominant is born early and the productivity is preserved up to 3-4 years.
  3. These laying hens are the best breeds for the house, because they are unpretentious in food and care. An excellent option for breeding - content on the ground.

Nesushka Tetra

A popular breed for breeding houses, but they are found in large farms. It belongs to meat meat type. The main characteristics of the Tetra rock:

  1. Chickens gain weight in a short period of time and give eggs from 17 weeks. Adults weigh approximately 2.5 kg.
  2. Chickens Tetra have a good egg lay, and for a year they give up to 310 eggs. In the first season, you can get up to 220-240 eggs. They have a strong shell and a weight of about 60 g.
  3. It is worth noting the high taste qualities of eggs and meat, which can be introduced into the feeding of babies.

Layman hens Loman Brown

One of the best breeds brought breeders from Germany, which refers to the egg species of chickens. Birds are characterized by great endurance and calm character. Key Features Loman Brown:

  1. In birds, the color of the feathers varies in body from light to dark brown. You can keep them in cages and enclosures.
  2. Loman hens are the best breeds for the house, which have excellent indicators of egg production. They can begin to sweep after 5 months.
  3. Neyushka Loman Brown is popular with small farmers and large factories. For the season, you can get 300-330 eggs weighing 65 g.

Haysex hens

The breeds Haysex Brown and White are very popular. They are well adapted to different climatic zones and do not require special care. For this one of the best breeds is characteristic:

  1. The bear Haysex gives large eggs that have excellent high qualities. She postpones them by 5 months. Each chicken is practical every day of the season gives an egg.
  2. Chickens for the home have strong immunity, and they are resistant to many diseases.
  3. Individuals become massive in a short time, even with normal diet. The weight of adult chickens reaches up to 3 kg.

Laying hens breed High Line

Cross was bred by breeders of America, and they are characterized by a good egg lay, unpretentiousness in nutrition and conditions of detention. Main characteristics of the breed:

  1. Birds are small and by the fourth month the weight reaches 1.3-1.5 kg. Adult individuals grow to 2.3 kg. Color of plumage is brown or white.
  2. Chicken High Line has good viability, resistance to disease and a long period of profitability.
  3. The bird gives large eggs, and in a year it is possible to receive from 240 to 340 pieces. The most productive period occurs approximately in 6 months.

Layhorn hens

To get this breed, the birds went through a large number of stages of breeding. This is a champion in average productivity, which is more often used at a poultry farm. Nonscore Leghorn has these characteristics:

  1. There are several subspecies and the best breed for the house - white, giving up to 300 eggs per year.
  2. Chickens are small, and their weight is 1.7 kg. Eggs can be obtained after 4 months. The productive period lasts throughout the year, and then the number of eggs decreases. In most cases, after this, they are sent to slaughter.
  3. This best breed is in most cases kept in cells. Of great importance is lighting, as egg production can significantly decrease. Because the birds are small, you can save on food.

Fowl hens of Kuchinsky

A universal breed that gives not only a lot of eggs, but also delicate dietary meat . Kuchin layers have such characteristics:

  1. Chicken color is light brown, but roosters look more attractive.
  2. The breed was obtained by Russian breeders, and it is unpretentious to the conditions of detention and nutrition.
  3. For half a year the birds gain 2/3 of their weight and at the same time they start giving eggs. For the season, you can get up to 175 eggs, and the weight of adults will be about 3 kg.

Nerezushka Super Nick

The cross for commercial breeding was selected by breeders in Germany. It is worth noting that birds are active and poorly related to cellular content. Main characteristics of the breed:

  1. Chickens of the Super Nick breed are small, so, the average weight is about 1.6 kg.
  2. Eggs can be obtained already with 4 months. In a year it is possible to receive up to 350 pieces, but only at observance of rules of leaving. The weight of eggs is 55-65 g.
  3. Birds are unpretentious in the care, most importantly, to comply with the basic requirements.