Prayer when tying a red thread on your wrist

The red thread is a powerful protective talisman against various negative. She appeared because of this teaching in Judaism, like Kabbalah. It is important to know how to tie a red thread on your wrist with a prayer, since without it it will be just a mascot without any power. In most cases, a thread of wool is used, since it is believed that it is the natural material that has the power.

Prayer when tying a red thread on your wrist

To protect yourself from various negatives from the outside, it is recommended to tie a thread, say these words:

"Have mercy on me (name), Lord, and save, Mother Holy Mother of God, Father Savior of the World Jesus Christ, all-all holy saints. Lord, bless, have mercy and preserve, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

In the event that someone has already spoiled or even tampered with a person, then in order to clear the negative energy, you need to tie a red thread on your left wrist and say this prayer:

"The servant of God is healed (name), theologizing, from the Holy Spirit, the seal of Khrestovoy, the Savior's hand, the Mother of God. Cross over me, cross in front of me, be you, the enemy, cursed, through the land driven to the pit of pits, empty failures. In the name of the Lord, the life-giving cross, the father of what is happening. I ask for mercy. Amen".

A rare prayer when tying a red thread

There is a ritual that is used infrequently, but it does not affect its strength and effectiveness. Take the thread and first tie nine knots on it at equal intervals. At the same time tying each knot, you should say these words:

"The guardian, the guardian, protect from the inevitable misfortune, the creepers creeping, the enemy podzabornogo, the demon of the disobedient. Stand around a strong wall, high mountain. Closed with nine locks, nine keys. My word is strong, no one can break it. As he said (a), it was. "

After that, the conjured thread can be tied to the left wrist. It should be noted that this can be done, not only independently, but also ask a loved one. The most effective this rite will be if it is held by a mother for her child.

Prayer for the amulet from the evil eye of the red thread

This option is used by psychics who are important to defend themselves against regular magical influence from outside. Activate the amulet will be for three months, and then, you should make a new amulet . To conduct the ceremony should be in private and it is best to do this for 12-15 lunar days. Put on the table three church candles, and then, light them. Take a thread in your hand and draw it over each candle three times, moving clockwise. It is important to stop over each candle, saying these words:

"As you are sanctified by fire, so I am protected from evil eye and spoilage. Do not become a victim of the unclean, do not fall to me a word of bad. Amen".

Repeat the prayer until you feel the thread is energized. The next step is to tie three knots on it, which should be placed this way: two knots on each side and one in the middle. It remains only to tie the thread on the wrist.

Ritual plot plotted with water

To make an amulet, you need to prepare holy water, a church candle and a thread of red wool. First light the candle and, holding the thread, say "Our Father". The next step is to lower the thread into the sacred water, saying these words:

"Thread bound, blood tied, my soul will be my protection, and my thoughts will become deeds." I will tie myself with a thread of this one, I will disappear from the eyes of the wicked. Do not be a victim of someone else's evil. May it be so. Amen".

After that, you can tie a charm.