Cucumber diseases and their treatment - effective advice to gardeners

It is difficult to find truck farmers who do not grow cucumbers. The plant does not require the creation of special conditions, but often with improper care and non-compliance with the characteristics of growing problems. You need to know the diseases of cucumbers and their treatment to collect a rich crop of vegetables.

Cucumber diseases and control

Ogorodnikam knows a lot of diseases, which are subject to vegetable crops. It is necessary to identify the symptoms of the problem as early as possible, since it directly determines how effective the measures will be. Experts recommend to inspect the bushes daily to determine possible changes.

Cucumber Anthracnose

A vegetable plant growing in open terrain is often infected with anthracnose (honeycomb). The bushes in the greenhouse can also get sick because of the increased humidity. The fungus is transferred by insects. It is important to know what symptoms can determine anthracnose: brown spots appear, after a time leaves turn yellow and the stems break, and the fruits grow small and with defects.

  1. To inhibit the spread and development of the disease, reduce the humidity in the greenhouse. Planting should be treated with fungicides, for example, "Quadrice" or "Abiga-Peak".
  2. You can cope with the problem by watering plants or seedlings with a solution of the Bordeaux mixture with a concentration of up to 1%. First, pour a lot of soil, and then use a watering can to treat the rootlets and the base of the stems. For each bush should be about 1 liter of liquid.
  3. To prevent anthracnose cucumber, you must immediately remove the remnants of the crop, deep plow the soil and handle the seeds before sowing. You can use the preparation "Tiram" for disinfection.

How to deal with powdery mildew in cucumbers?

The provoking factor for the onset of the disease is high air temperature, reduced humidity and sharp changes in these indicators. To determine powdery mildew it is possible by a touch of white color on a bush. After a while, the leaves become dry, the fruiting stops, and already the fruits begin to grow deformed. It is important to know the diseases of cucumbers and their treatment, as well as methods of prevention:

  1. When revealing the first signs, immediately spray the bushes using fungicides, for example, Topsin or Bayleton. If the treatment of cucumbers does not help with powdery mildew, then sprinkling should be repeated.
  2. As prevention in the fall, disinfect the greenhouse by treating all surfaces with Formalin.

Peronosporosis of cucumber

Another common name for this disease is downy mildew. It appears in most cases because of high humidity. In addition, the seeds can be initially infected with peronosporosis , and even the disease can hibernate in old leaves. The problem is observed only on the leaves, where the spots of yellow color appear, and on their underside one can see a plaque of gray color. Treatment is carried out in different ways:

  1. If symptoms of peronosporosis are found, treatment of cucumbers with folk remedies can be carried out by spraying with a solution prepared on the basis of hydrated lime and copper sulfate. Mix 100 g of both substances and dilute the mixture in 10 liters of water. Spray at the time of flowering. Please note that between the procedure and harvesting must pass a minimum of a week.
  2. In the early stages, you can spray the planting with "Quadrice" or "Strobi".

White rot on cucumbers

A common disease that often occurs when growing vegetables in greenhouses. Rot can affect all parts of the plant, and even fruits. The problem in most cases occurs with high humidity of soil and air. The signs of white rot include: the appearance of wet spots, which through time pass into outgrowths similar in appearance to cotton wool, the formation of mucus, and through time all the parts of the plant begin to die off. Studying the diseases of cucumbers and fighting with them, it is necessary to consider the following rules in the presence of white rot:

  1. If you find the first signs of the problem, stop watering and do not apply fertilizer for about a week. Remove the affected leaves and treat the problem areas with a mixture of chalk and potassium permanganate with the addition of a small amount of water.
  2. To get rid of infection, it is recommended to use solutions of antiseptics, for example, "Topaz" or "Oxychium". Please note that the solution should be warm. After the procedure, it is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse.
  3. Among popular methods of treatment, a serum solution is released, for which dilute it with water in a proportion of 3: 7. For best effect, it is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate to 10 liters of solution.

Mosaic on cucumbers

A common viral disease that manifests itself in the deformation of leaves and the appearance of mosaic spots. After a while they are wrapped down, the growth of the plant stops and the number of flowers decreases. Ordinary or yellow mosaic on cucumbers is sometimes manifested by cracking the base of the stem. The fight is conducted according to such preventive measures:

  1. To cope with the virus, compost the remains of the plant for two months.
  2. It is important to maintain the cleanliness of the site and to remove the weeds. Use only sterilized or composted substrates.
  3. During the vegetation period it is recommended spraying with 3% solution of "Farmayoda-3", considering that for each hectare there should be 0.3 kg of solution.

Root decay of cucumbers

A similar problem is common and it manifests itself under extreme temperature conditions (below 15 ° C and above 29 ° C). The disease occurs when watering the bushes with cold water, planting an annual vegetable crop on one site and using a large number of fertilizers. Often the progress of the disease is observed in the winter-spring period. The symptoms of the disease include the brown color of the root neck and roots, yellowing of the leaves, wilting of the ovaries and alopecia bushes. Through time, the bushes wither and dry up.

For the treatment of root rot of cucumbers, a simple procedure is necessary. First, move the earth away from the stems with a shovel, just do everything carefully so as not to damage the root. Formed cracks, treat with a solution of copper sulfate, adding 1 teaspoon in 500 ml of water, and also put 3 tablespoons. spoons of wood ash. If this did not help, then the bush should be dug and burned.

Gray rot on cucumber

This is a bacterial disease that begins with the roots and goes to the fruit. Gray rot appears with significant temperature changes, watering the bushes with cold water, lack of crop rotation, high humidity, the use of a large volume of fertilizers and poor ventilation of the greenhouse. There are a number of rules concerning the treatment and prevention of this disease:

  1. Affected leaves need to be cut, and if the rot has passed to the stem, then sprinkle the problem areas with lime or copper-chalk powder. Apply cut coal to the cuts.
  2. If gray rot is found on cucumbers in a greenhouse or in beds in open air, then watering should be stopped.
  3. In stores, you can buy ready-made products to get rid of the presented bacterial disease, for example, "Zaslon", "Bayleton" or "Rovral."
  4. To the folk methods of fighting bolsznen include a dry mixture, which includes 1 tbsp. chalk and ash and 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate. Still it is possible to prepare a liquid chalky mixture, dissolving a powder in water in a proportion 1: 1.

Cladosporium cucumber

This is one of the most dangerous diseases, which is also called brown olive spotting. To its first symptoms include wet sores brown, which are manifested not only on the bushes, but also fruits. Kladosporiosis of cucumbers occurs during drafts, watering with cold water, low air temperature and high soil moisture. It should be noted that the disease is capable for 6-8 days to spoil the whole crop with the plants themselves. Continuing to study cucumber diseases and their effective treatment, it is worth paying attention to the fight against cadaveriasis:

  1. For a week you need to stop watering. On warm days, be sure to ventilate the greenhouse, and in the cold weather, close it, so that the temperature does not fall too low.
  2. When the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to carry out treatment with the drug "Oxihom", considering that 10 liters of water needs 20 g. You can still use 1% solution of the Bordian liquid.

Bacteriosis of cucumber

Bacterial disease is spread at elevated temperature and excessive humidity. On young plants, angular spots appear and mucus is observed. Through time, the stains dry out, the leaves are perforated and crumbled, and the growth of shoots slows down. Cucumber fruit is covered with stains, loses its shape and taste. Understanding the diseases of cucumbers and their treatment, it is necessary to dwell on the struggle and prevention of bacteriosis:

  1. For those who are interested in how to treat cucumbers from diseases, it is suggested to use chemical preparations, so the best results are given by fungicides, for example, Kuproksat and Phytolavin. If the bushes are severely affected, then it is recommended that they be removed and burned.
  2. To prevent bacterioses spray the bushes with infusion of peeled onions. Take a liter jar and tightly fill it with husks, pour boiled water and insist for two days. After this, strain and wring out the husks, and then dilute the infusion with water in a ratio of 1: 5. Spray in the evening every 10 days.

Cucumber stem rot - treatment

This disease is also called ascochitis or black stalk rot, which is more often seen when growing cucumbers in a greenhouse or a greenhouse. Finding out what diseases of cucumbers are and their treatment, you need to pay attention and symptoms, so, the presence of stem rot is evidenced by: watery spots that first become brown, and then, white, black dots on all parts of the bush, withered leaves, and on fruits ulcers and rust are observed or they are mummified. In most cases, gray rot appears in spring with a high level of illumination and no airing.

There are a number of rules concerning the treatment of stem rot:

  1. Treatment of cucumbers in the greenhouse from diseases must be carried out with Bordeaux liquid 1%, copper sulfate (5 g per 10 liters of liquid) with the addition of urea (10 g per 10 liters of liquid).
  2. To get rid of the disease of cucumbers on the stem, lubricate it with copper-chalk powder, mixing chalk and copper sulfate in equal proportions.

Diseases of cucumbers - spider mite

One of the most common pests that occurs when growing vegetables, both in the open area and in the greenhouse. A spider mite settles on the bottom of the leaf and feeds on the juice of the plant. After a while you can see spots and cobwebs. Quickly clean the diseases and pests of cucumbers can be, if you notice the problem at an early stage, so regularly inspect the bushes. There are several ways to control the pest:

  1. You can use the drug "Flumeit" or "Envidor". The agents provide long protection and are resistant to flushing. Sprinkle the sprays in 3-5 days until the problem disappears.
  2. Among folk methods of treatment is popular treatment of leaves with a solution of laundry soap. You can also use tincture yarrow, celandine and dandelion.

Cucumbers - prevention of diseases

There are several tips that will help prevent the occurrence of many diseases:

  1. Use only quality seeds, which must be pretreated, for example, in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. In order not to develop cucumber diseases in the open ground, land only in quality and well-prepared soil.
  3. Be sure to remove from the beds of plant remains and weeds. It is recommended to burn everything outside the site.
  4. When planting vegetables, be sure to observe a crop rotation.