Top-10 health items of the wardrobe

You did not even imagine what danger to your health are wearing sneakers, jeans with rivets and pulling underwear.

Every day we use our wardrobe and choose things, guided by the sense of style and our own mood. At the same time, few people are aware of the serious health risks faced by anyone who wears jeans, shoes or underwear.

1. Thong panties

Sexy thong panties - the most erotic and thus dangerous underwear. They prefer girls who bet on tight and translucent outfits. Lingerie, invented in the middle of the last century, was created for striptease workers, but for more than 15 years it has been considered a constant attribute of any fashionista. Triangles covering intimate places became the subject of research by German and American gynecologists: together they proved that a narrow ribbon between the buttocks serves as a carrier of intestinal bacteria in the sensitive area of ​​the genital organs.

2. Rubber outsole shoes

Fabric shoes, which can be compared to home slippers, are now worn by both adolescents and office plankton. It is not difficult to understand the popularity of shoes: they are suitable for most styles, are cheaper than quality leather shoes and are easily cleaned of contaminants. But all these advantages have the downside: a flat sole without any relief is not able to provide proper support to the muscles and tendons of the legs. Rubber does not "breathe", which leads to sweating of feet and reproduction of microbes.

3. Leather trousers

Trousers made of natural or artificial leather - a kind of "little black dress" for a girlfriend of a biker or a rocker. This material does not breathe, so at any time of the year such a detail of the wardrobe plays the role of a wrap film. The skin overheats, resulting in a risk of dermatological diseases - psoriasis, demodectic, neurodermatitis. To wear leather trousers even Angelina Jolie doctors advise not more often 1-2 times a month.

4. Bra

By itself, the bra is safe for women's health, but only if the correct selection. Studies have shown that only 20% of women on the planet are able to choose underwear, which does not press and rubs during socks. Narrow straps cut into the skin and contribute to the sagging of a large breast, taut gum squeezes the ribs and leads to stagnation of lymph in the chest. Most often, women do not even guess that the cause of health problems is the bra.

5. High-heeled shoes

Everyone knows the dangers of wearing shoes on stilettos, but almost everyone chooses to ignore this information. Shoes with heels actually force the foot to take an unnatural shape. The weight of the body gives an incorrectly distributed load on the foot, because of which the legs are hurting and "buzzing" from the strain by the evening. On a similar stress, the legs are answered by varicose asterisks and swelling of the vessels.

6. Sweater made of natural wool

A cardigan made of natural wool is difficult to find today: the cost of producing things from polyester is much cheaper than processing natural raw materials. Therefore, many people simply do not know that they are allergic to wool. It is expressed not only in the tingling, familiar to those who in the childhood wore such a sweater. Spiny fibers provoke skin itching and small rashes, so when they first appear, it's better to give up things with the content of the hair at all.

7. Denim shorts

Dense denim on the effects on the organs of the genitourinary system is similar to diapers that harm the health of infants due to the "thermos effect". Dense tissue disrupts the natural processes of air circulation and promotes overheating of internal organs. Wearing such shorts in the heat is a sure way to provoke inflammation of the ovaries or thrush.

8. Flip Flops

Flip flops - the most relevant shoes for the beach, but it is far from the most convenient. Since they are not fixed on the leg with the help of straps or fasteners, the instinct makes the person who wears them press their fingers in an attempt to prevent slipping of the vinamaks. In order not to earn a deformation of the phalanx, they should be worn no longer than 1-2 hours a day.

9. Tightening clothes

Girls, prone to being overweight, do not always agree to endure deprivation in food and intense physical activities for the sake of a beautiful figure. It is much easier to put on a pulling body or panties with a high waist for tight clothes and look great. The elastic fabric, from which the pulling things are sewn, does not breathe and squeezes the ribs, causes heartburn and colic in the stomach.

10. Jeans with rivets

Jeans with rivets - another fashion trend, which poses a danger for allergy sufferers. Metal decorative elements are made of nickel, provoking the oxidation of dermatitis and acne on the skin. However, there is a lifhak that allows you to fearlessly wear jeans with rivets: they need to be covered with a thin layer of clear nail polish.