How kidneys hurt in women - symptoms

It is quite difficult for a person to determine for himself whether the kidneys are hurting, especially if the syndrome is not localized in one place, but spreads over the entire lower back. Similar signs can accompany many other diseases, including pathology of the musculoskeletal system. It is especially important to know how the kidneys are affected in women - the symptoms often resemble reproductive system diseases, which makes it difficult to diagnose.

What are the symptoms when the kidneys are aching?

This problem is accompanied by two types of clinical manifestations.

Among the characteristic or specific features of the following complaints:

Of course, not all the listed symptoms appear immediately. Some diseases occur almost without pronounced manifestations or only a few specific signs are observed.

In addition to the characteristic clinical picture, there are also general indications that kidneys are being hurt - it is difficult to understand them as the symptoms of nephrologic diseases, since such conditions are inherent in any inflammatory process in the body and in the common cold.

Common manifestations:

To differentiate a woman's kidney pain, you need to pay attention to the presence of specific signs, as well as determine the localization of the syndrome.

Where the kidneys are hurt - the establishment of symptoms of nephrologic diseases with the help of samples

As a rule, with the appearance of discomfort and pain in the lumbar region, women immediately suspect kidney pathology. To confirm or refute this assumption, even before visiting the therapist, you can make a Pasternatsky test. It consists of the following:

  1. Bend slightly. If it is difficult, lean on your hands.
  2. Put your palm just above the waist, in the area of ​​localization of the diseased kidney.
  3. With a moderate force, hit the other hand on the back of the palm 1 time.

After Pasternatsky's test, pain is felt in the kidney. In addition, a small amount of blood, epithelial cells (flakes), pus and mucus can stand out with urine.

It is important to note that the described method is not the basis for an accurate diagnosis. Symptoms of how it hurts the right or left kidney can be a clinical manifestation of digestive tract diseases, appendicitis, as well as inflammation of the ovaries or cervix. Differentiation is carried out only at a doctor's appointment according to the results of the tests.

Laboratory symptoms of how the kidney is affected on the right or left

The simplest and at the same time informative research is Zimnitsky's trial. To conduct it, you need to collect 8 portions of urine within a day, measure its volume and specific gravity, compare the values ​​obtained with the established norms.

In addition, the diagnosis includes: