What does the x-ray of the stomach show with barium?

X-ray of the stomach using barium sulphate is called contrast radiography. Barium is a fluid that does not pass X-rays. This method of research shows:

X-ray with barium is the most preferred way to investigate abnormalities in the digestive tract.

Preparation for a roentgen of a stomach with a barium

Preparation for the procedure for the study of stomach pathologies is as follows:

1. A few days before X-rays, adhere to a certain diet to reduce gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract. It is prescribed to exclude from the food ration such products that cause fermentation and gas formation:

2. To include in the daily ration:

3. If the patient has constipation - on the eve of the evening and on the day of the procedure, make a cleansing enema , and also, if necessary, wash the stomach.

Contraindications of barium for X-ray of the stomach

Barium sulphate is practically non-toxic and has almost no effect on the human body. It has no property to be absorbed from the digestive tract and does not have a systemic effect. However, there are contraindications to the use of this fluid orally:

It is necessary to carry out the procedure with care when:

The effects of x-ray of the stomach with barium

On the question of whether the x-ray of the stomach with barium is harmful, we can say that in the vast majority of cases the procedure goes without any complications or consequences. Only in very rare cases can there be such side effects: