How to help the dog in the heat?

The scorching sun and strong heat is difficult to bear and not only to man, but also to animals. All dogs adapt to heat in different ways, this is influenced by some factors - breed, type of wool cover, age and general health. The most difficult thing is for dogs with flattened muzzles: they are bulldogs and pugs, they have a modified nasal passage. And, of course, it is not easy for a sick and old animal. How to help a dog in the heat can learn by studying a few rules.

Walking in the heat

Try to walk as little as possible during the day. The best time to walk is in the early morning - up to 8 hours and the evening after 20 hours. In case you can not avoid daytime walking, shorten the time to 10-15 minutes. Do not forget to take water with you.

Walking near water bodies is much easier to carry - near them is cooler and fresher. Muzzle leave the house - the dogs use the tongue to cool, give off the heat.

In the summer, do not cut your pets - the more wool , the easier, an air cushion is created, and the animal does not overheat.

How to cool a dog in the heat?

Be sure to moisten the dog's head and paws with cold water, as well as the stomach, groin area and ears, it is not completely desirable to pour completely. You can do this procedure 3-5 times during the day, regardless of location. If you left the dog alone indoors - pour a small amount of water into the tub - the animal will be able to cool itself.

What to feed the dog in the heat?

The number of feedings can be reduced to one, if it is an adult dog or simply reduce the size of portions. From the diet we remove fat and heavy food, the load in the heat and so serious, and the food aggravates it. It is necessary to replace the food from high-calorie to low-calorie.

Access to water

You need to drink more water, the better. Very good, if you put in each room one container of water - your dog will always be able to quench your thirst. To change water it is necessary several times a day, it is better, if it will be cool.

Dog's behavior in the heat

These animals feel much worse in heat than people. They have a system of thermoregulation poorly developed, no sweating. The body temperature is about 38 ° C, and there are a lot of chances to get a heat stroke. In the heat, pets are less active, they get tired faster, react worse to commands, faster breathing. Very often they refuse to eat and can spend the whole day on the cool floor. In hot weather, it is better to avoid unnecessary physical exertion, if the dog becomes ill - hide in the shade and let it rest for a while.

How dogs tolerate the heat, now you know, and the owner, observing simple rules, can always help his pet to endure this difficult season for him.