Ascorutin for children

Each mother, taking care of the health of her baby, always looks for effective, but, nevertheless, affordable medications. Indispensable for the prevention and treatment of many diseases is ascorutin. But can ascorutin be given to children? Today, this medication is often prescribed by pediatricians, despite the existence of many other more powerful drugs.

Ascorutin is characterized by easy digestion and proven action. With its use, the disease can be treated more quickly, and the adaptation period is significantly reduced.

The components of ascorutin are ascorbic acid, which promotes the strengthening of immunity, and rutin, allowing easy penetration of the drug into the cells of the body.

Ascorutin - indications

Ascorutin is prescribed for adaptation of the organism after the transferred infectious diseases and increasing the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences. Strong immunity helps to cope with infectious diseases, often occurring in the winter. It is very important that the child's organism can respond to the virus in time and prevent infection.

When using ascorutin, deficiency of vitamins C and R is filled up. Rutin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces their inflammation after such diseases as influenza, typhus, measles, hemorrhagic diathesis and scarlet fever. It actively reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries, which facilitates the course of the disease.

Ascorutin is also prescribed for infectious-allergic diseases of the kidneys, leading to excretion of substances useful to it. Ascorutin helps normalize the function of the renal tubules and reduce the loss of the child's body protein. Ascorutin has antioxidant properties, suppressing toxic effects on the body of harmful substances.

Children taking ascorutin are prone to colds 2-3 times less than their peers.

Akorutin for children - dosage

So, how to give ascorutine to children? For prevention at the age of 3 to 12 years, appoint half or one tablet a day, with the goal of treatment the same dose, but 2-3 times a day.

Children over 12 years of age are recommended 1-2 tablets once a day for prevention and two to three times for treatment.

Ascorutin in the form of tablets taken after meals inside, washed down with clean water (tea, juices and mineral water prevent the normal absorption of constituents of the drug into the blood).

It must be remembered that the use of ascorutine by children up to one year is prohibited.

Ascorutin - side effects

Side effects of ascorutin can be expressed in violation of the digestive system (nausea, vomiting), headaches and sleep disturbance, sensation of heat and the manifestation of mild allergic reactions.

Such side effects occur rarely, and most often with prolonged uncontrolled drug intake.

On average, the duration of ascorutin treatment is about three weeks. However, if necessary, the course can be prolonged by the doctor's recommendations.

Ascorutin - contraindications

Ascorutine contraindications:

It should be taken into account that the use of ascorutin affects the results of tests in determining blood glucose, etc. Before you start taking ascorutin, you should consult your doctor. This will help prevent side effects and make treatment effective.