Ultrasound scores at 32 weeks gestation

For the entire pregnancy, a woman undergoes at least three planned ultrasound examinations. At 32 weeks, the third planned ultrasound of the fetus. The main purpose of the examination is to determine the possible delay in fetal development and examination of the placenta. As in previous examinations - at the twelfth and twentieth weeks, the doctor looks at the parameters of the head circumference, abdomen, and the size of the fetal limbs. Also determine the amount of amniotic fluid. The fruit by this time takes the final position in the uterus.

In conclusion about the conducted research the doctor specifies, to what term of pregnancy pregnancy corresponds, that is how much the sizes of a fruit coincide with average norms of the certain period.

Ultrasound at 31-32 weeks of pregnancy is largely aimed at studying not only the fetus, but also the placenta. The specialist determines its location and the wall to which it is attached. This information is important in order to determine the method of delivery, and is especially relevant if there are indications for cesarean section. When examining the placenta, the doctor who leads the pregnancy determines the readiness of the birth canal of the woman to the delivery.

Decoding of ultrasound at 32 week of pregnancy

Indications of ultrasound at 32 weeks of pregnancy are compared with special tables, compiled in accordance with the norms of fetal development to a certain period of pregnancy. If the parameters of ultrasound in 32 weeks differ from the norm values ​​for one or two weeks, this is not a deviation. It is worth noting that each organism is individual, and generally accepted norms are only conventions. At the thirty-second week of pregnancy rates of indicators look like this:

The weight of the fruit at this time is approximately 1800g, this figure can vary by two hundred grams in both directions. The growth of a baby reaches thirty-two centimeters in thirty-two weeks, but this is also an average indicator and your baby can be either a little shorter or somewhat longer.