When to register for pregnancy?

The future mother needs to register for pregnancy no later than 11-12 weeks of pregnancy - at the time when the third month has come to an end. At the same time, according to the latest recommendations of the Ministry of Health, a future mother can register as a woman's consultation, and be under the supervision of a general practitioner, family medicine.

What is the reason for the registration requirement on this deadline?

First, at 12 weeks, the first screening ultrasound and a whole set of tests will be performed, which will allow to evaluate the course of pregnancy and the presence of pathologies in the development of the baby. In the presence of pathologies incompatible with life, abortion can be performed only until the 16th week of pregnancy or until the end of the fourth month. That is why it is so important to register on time and not to delay the visit to the women's consultation.

However, the final decision on what term to take into account takes the future mother. The state, on taking it into account on the early stages of pregnancy (meaning the first trimester of pregnancy - up to 12 weeks and earlier) guarantees additional payments for pregnancy to future mothers.

In order to be registered in the women's consultation, the future mother needs:

Most obstetrician-gynecologists are urged to register for up to 12 weeks, as this greatly facilitates the course of pregnancy and the possibility of medical supervision. Your health, like the health of your baby, is only in your hands.