New Year's morning performances in kindergarten - junior group

In each children's institution on the eve of New Year New Year's morning is held. Of course, the main role in the conduct of this event in the kindergarten is played by educators, however, and the share of parents is a lot of trouble associated with the organization of such holidays.

To spend a New Year's party in the younger group of DOW, you need to carefully think over his script in such a way that the young children would be fun and interesting. In the program of the holiday there must be fun games and playful contests, thanks to which the guys will not get bored. Hall for the event should be elegantly decorated and, of course, to install the Christmas tree.

In this article, we offer you options for organizing New Year parties in the first and second junior group of the kindergarten.

Carrying out a New Year's party in the first junior group

As a rule, on the holiday for children from 2 to 3 years is not present the most famous character of the New Year's events - Grandfather Frost. This hero can quite scare the kids, and children will not get any positive emotions from this matinee. Usually the boys congratulate the Snow Maiden on the New Year, and she gives presents.

Begin the celebration with a cheerful dance around the decorated Christmas tree. It will be very good if the teacher at the same time sings a New Year song. Next, the kids should be gently invited to invite the Snow Maiden, who should also begin her introduction with a kind and cheerful song.

After greeting the children, the Snow Maiden suddenly notices that bright lights do not burn on the New Year tree. Together with the kids you can play the next game: when the Snow Maiden and children clap their hands, the garland on the Christmas tree immediately lights up. If the participants of the performance blow at the forest beauty, the lights turn off. This can be repeated several times, since this game is usually very popular with young children.

Further, the holiday can continue dancing to merry music. Kids can not sit in one place for a long time, therefore it is necessary to include dance elements in the New Year's matinee. To make it interesting for the guys, you can offer them one more game. Play the scene, as if the Snow Maiden lost her mitten, and ask the boys and girls to help the girl find her.

End the event should be the distribution of gifts for cheerful music and farewell to the Snow Maiden with children. Be careful, gifts for these kids should be exactly the same, so that none of the guys are upset.

How to spend a New Year's party in the second younger group?

Boys and girls in the second junior group are slightly older, so they must have Santa Claus on the holiday. In addition, children from 3 to 4 years can already be attracted to the event, for example, invite someone from the girls to read a short poem.

In addition to the decorated Christmas tree, there should already be other scenery simulating the plot situation. For example, if during the matinee you and the children go on a journey through the New Year's forest, make sure that there are trees, snowdrifts and forest inhabitants in it.

Such babies can already sit for quite some time, so they can demonstrate a puppet show. Nevertheless, the program of the holiday should also include fun dances, songs and round dances. On New Year's matinee in the second younger group there must also be games and contests in which children can take an active part.

For example, the guys can help Snowman decorate herringbone, Snow Maiden - look for a scarf or mitten, and Santa Claus - give presents. Here, gifts can already differ in gender, but they are better to be packaged in the same beautiful boxes.