A salt-free diet is a menu

There is a large number of menu of salt-free diets - Malyshevoy, Japanese, Chinese. All of them are united by a common principle - the food salt in them is minimized. It has long been known that each person takes several times more salt than the body requires. It gives problems with the kidneys, edema, increased blood pressure and even obesity, as it disrupts metabolic processes. Switching to the menu of a salt-free diet for weight loss, you can solve many health problems at once. Consider two options - Chinese and Japanese.

Menu of the Japanese salt-free diet

Salt diets are very popular in Japan. We will consider a known variant, which helps in 13 days to clean the body and achieve a significant plumb. But it must be strictly observed.

The basic principles are as follows:

For flavoring, use onions, lemon juice, spices (without salt) and garlic. The oil is allowed to add little by little to the prepared dish, but not during cooking. Enter the diet gradually, for 3 days, each time reducing the daily amount of salt.

This salt-free diet gives the menu a week, after which the diet of each day is repeated in reverse order - on the 8th day - the menu of the 6th day, on the 9th day - the menu of the 5th day and so on.

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:

6th day:

7th day:

After that, as mentioned above, you need to repeat the menu of days in the reverse order, i.e. The menu on the 13th day will be the same as the first.

To save and improve the result, immediately after that you need to switch to a healthy diet - porridge or eggs for breakfast, soup for lunch, meat or fish with vegetables - for dinner.

Menu of the Chinese salt-free diet

In this case, the main rules are only a few: salt and sugar are forbidden, and at the same time one can not eat spicy food and dairy products. The menu here is much more monotonous, rather than in the Japanese diet, but it is calculated for the same 13 days.

Menu of the first week:

  1. Breakfast - 1 egg boiled, green tea.
  2. Lunch - 1 boiled egg, 1 orange, mineral water without gas.
  3. Dinner - 1 boiled egg, 1 orange, mineral water without gas.

If you passed this part, you can go to the next one, which also has one menu for the whole week:

  1. Breakfast - 1 egg boiled, green tea.
  2. Lunch - 2 eggs boiled, 2 orange, mineral water without gas.
  3. Dinner - a portion of boiled brown rice and sea fish, water.

This diet is allowed only for people with excellent health, otherwise it can cause serious harm. Remember, this is only the first step in losing weight, the main work will make the subsequent transition to proper nutrition.