Triangular nerve - treatment at home

The triple nerve is responsible for the operation of the facial area. It has three large branches. One is attached in the area of ​​the lower jaw, the second - around the nose, and the third - above both eyebrows. In case of damage to this part, a person has severe pain in any area of ​​the head and neck. Treatment of the trigeminal nerve is possible, both in the hospital and at home - it all depends on the symptoms. Anesthetics are primarily used. In addition, it is important to determine the cause of the appearance of unpleasant sensations and to remove it.

Treatment of neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve at home

In most cases, treatment is prescribed at home. Usually used are:

  1. Carbamazepine. The composition includes analgesic and anticonvulsant components. The drug is considered toxic. It negatively affects the digestive, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Therefore it is forbidden to take it to nursing mothers and pregnant women. Despite this medicine is considered one of the best in this field.
  2. Pipolphen is an antihistamine. Used only when paired with carbamazepine, enhancing its effect.
  3. Glycine. Acts mainly as an additional drug. It helps to remove nervousness, which prevents the appearance of an attack.

In some cases, tranquilizers and neuroleptics are prescribed.

Treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve at home using massage

This method can quickly restore sensitivity. It is performed with care, without much pressure. In the event of unpleasant sensations in the neck, it is recommended to knead with forward movements from the shoulders to the chin. If the problems directly affect the facial area - the massage is performed from the center to the periphery.

Accelerate the healing process of a special massage oil.

Prescription means


Preparation and use

Bay leaves must be crushed and added to the oil. The resulting mixture is closed and put in a dark place for a week. Strain and you can use. The resulting massage oil is applied during facial massage. If painful sensations do not allow it, the solution is simply applied to the problem areas three times a day. Apply until complete recovery.

Treatment of facial trigeminal nerve at home using compresses

There are several basic methods of treating the nerve, using compresses:

  1. Cabbage. Several sheets must be boiled, extracted from water, allowed to cool slightly and applied to a painful area. It is desirable to cover the top with a towel. When the product has cooled down - immediately change to warm. The procedure is carried out for an hour. After the first session, the patient will feel relief.
  2. Of clay. The agent should be diluted in warm water to the state of porridge and applied to the problem site. The top is covered with a film and a towel. Carry out the procedure twice a day until recovery.
  3. Of radish seeds. They are filled with boiling water for five millimeters and closed with a lid for ten minutes. The resulting liquid is impregnated with a gauze napkin and applied to the problematic part of the face.

Treatment of neuritis of the trigeminal nerve at home with the help of rubbing

In addition to compresses, warm the affected area (and accelerate the recovery process) will help special rubbing.

Recipe for gingerbread


Preparation and use

The dry root is crushed and poured with alcohol. The mixture is infused in a sealed container in a dark place for a month. Sometimes you need to shake. To accelerate the recovery process, problem areas are rubbed before bed. It is impossible to cover the top with a film, since the root itself is considered toxic. In addition, alcohol can leave burns on the skin. Apply until complete recovery.