Mustard cuffs

At a time when there was not such a wide variety of treatments, cough used mustard plasters. This method is one of the most effective and cheap, but not all recipes of our grandmothers are suitable for treatment now. So let's see if it's possible to put mustard on cough, and how and where to put them to meet your expectations.

The principle of action of mustard plasters

A mustard is a sheet of paper covered with mustard seed powder or a bag of mustard powder. The phytoncides that enter into the composition of mustard have a warming effect. This helps improve blood circulation, by expanding the blood vessels, and increasing human resistance to viruses and infection. They also have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

To put mustard plasters can only be 4 days in a row 1 time per day. Use them no longer makes sense, because either your body does not respond to this procedure, or your disease requires more serious treatment.

Use in the treatment of mustard plasters makes sense only with a prolonged dry cough, but not in the acute form of cold or infectious disease.

Where should I put mustard plaits on coughing?

Since mustard irritates the skin, they can not be placed on sensitive areas of the body or on the damaged skin. The most effective is to spread the mustard on both the chest and back between the shoulder blades. In addition, they are placed on the feet and calf muscles. It is forbidden to spread paper with mustard on the heart area.

How to put mustard plasters on cough?

First you need to prepare everything necessary for the procedure:


  1. We soak dry mustard plasters for 5-15 seconds in warm water and apply to the body. If a person has a tender skin, in order to avoid a burn, you can put gauze between the skin and the application or put the paper side to the body.
  2. Cover them with a towel or cotton cloth, tightly pressed and wrapped in a warm (scarf or plaid).
  3. Keep mustard should be no more than 15 minutes, increasing the time gradually: for the first time 5 minutes, and in each subsequent session add for 1-2 minutes. If the mustard causes a very burning sensation, it means that the allergic reaction has started and the procedure must be stopped ahead of schedule.
  4. After the time has expired, we remove the mustard plaster, wipe the place of application with a moist napkin or towel, and then lubricate with oil or moisturizer and wrap again.

After this procedure, the patient is recommended to drink a breastfeed with the addition of raspberries or honey and lie in bed for several hours.

Precautionary measures

Contraindications for the use of mustard plasters:

Many people are wondering if they put mustard on coughing when a person has a fever . Yes, they put it, but first knock it down to 37.0 ° C. If this is not done, then the already weakened by the disease organism overload.

In addition to mustard plasters for prolonged coughing, inhalations can be used to warm compresses (honey, curd or potato) and rubbing (camphor oil or turpentine ointment). But the use of these folk remedies does not negate the use of medicines, but is only an additional therapy.