Ischemic stroke - symptoms

The disease under consideration is a process in which brain tissue is destroyed with a subsequent disruption of their functions. In this material, we consider what are the symptoms of an approaching ischemic stroke.

Causes of the disease

There are a number of factors that increase the risk of symptoms of cerebral ischemic stroke:

Despite the interconnection of these reasons with the sudden destruction of the brain tissue, it is still not clear what actually affects the onset of a stroke.

Ischemic stroke - symptoms and first aid

The signs of the disease directly depend on the vastness of the affected areas, as well as on the departments that have been wiped out. The most common symptoms and consequences of ischemic stroke are:

  1. Violation of speech. This may be the indistinctness of spoken words (dysarthria), loss of understanding of used phrases (aphasia), violation of writing and reading (agra, alexia), inability to count even up to ten (acalculia).
  2. Problems with the vestibular apparatus. In this case, a person loses orientation in space and balance, feels dizzy, falls into a faint.
  3. Disturbances of motor functions. This symptom is characterized by a partial or complete inability to move the limbs from one (hemiparesis) or from both (tetraparesis) sides of the body. In addition, the patient may have difficulty with coordination (ataxia) and swallowing (dysphalgia).
  4. Changes in behavior, regress of cognitive functions. The injured person often can not perform even daily household tasks, for example, combing, brushing his teeth. Usually this is due to the destruction of brain regions responsible for memory. The behavior of the patient resembles a child with rare enlightenment.
  5. Disturbances in the work of the senses. This sign means a complete or partial loss of sight, a feeling of bifurcation of objects (dipology).

It should be noted that the listed factors do not appear at one moment. They can develop and grow for several hours or two to three days so that a person from the very beginning can not suspect symptoms of an ischemic stroke and will carry it on their feet. Therefore, it is very important that the surrounding people pay close attention to the alarming signs .

Stroke - first aid for symptoms

  1. Lay the victim on the bed, ensure sufficient air flow, unbutton uncomfortable clothing.
  2. It is desirable to cover the head with ice or something cold.
  3. When vomiting, cleanse the mouth and the airway of the patient.
  4. Put warmers or bottles filled with hot water at your feet.
  5. Do not allow the victim to remain unconscious, you need to constantly bring him to life through ammonia or intense slapping on the cheeks.
  6. Call an emergency team.

Repeated stroke - symptoms

With yet another total destruction of the brain tissues, naturally, the extinction of more extensive zones begins, therefore the above characteristics are intensified. In fact, there is regression of the patient, especially with regard to motor functions and behavioral disorders. As a rule, with a repeated stroke, a person completely loses the ability to think sensibly, falls into unconsciousness and behaves inadequately. Moreover, coordination of movements up to absolute paralysis is aggravated.