Constantly vomiting

Nausea is one of the most unpleasant phenomena. When a person is troubled, he can not think of anything else than about his state of health. And if it makes you sick all the time, the patient is even harassing himself, trying to get rid of this unpleasant symptom and return to normal life.

Why can I constantly vomit?

The reasons for the incessant nausea can be very high. The first to mind comes poisoning. But in fact, intoxication - is not the only one, a factor that causes discomfort. And most unexpectedly - most of the causes with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are not even related:

  1. When he starts to feel sick and constantly wants to sleep, and really you can sin on stale food or dirty water. But sometimes the effect on the body of certain medications is manifested in this way.
  2. If discomfort occurs after eating and is accompanied by heaviness in the stomach, heartburn , burning, it is possible that the problem is gastritis or peptic ulcer.
  3. With constant nausea and pain in the stomach, the examination of the liver and gallbladder will not interfere. Hurry with a visit to a specialist is, if in addition to everything began to change the taste for food.
  4. Another possible cause is pancreatitis. Because of the disease, the abdomen swells and aching pain appears in the right hypochondrium. In some patients, the disease manifests itself by a sharp loss of weight.
  5. In patients who are constantly sick and have no appetite, appendicitis can be diagnosed. The disease is often accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees, diarrhea, soreness, moving to different parts of the abdomen.
  6. A very complex and dangerous phenomenon is a violation of the vestibular apparatus . Against his background, constantly nauseating, tearing, dizzy. Many patients experience tinnitus, inability to concentrate attention, distraction.
  7. Sometimes I feel sick and hungry for hypertension. Meals in this case, as a rule, end with bouts of vomiting.
  8. The incessant nausea is a manifestation of menopause. The body of each of the fair sex in its own way responds to hormonal restructuring.

What if I constantly feel sick?

The main thing is to determine what exactly causes uncomfortable sensations. For this, you will have to undergo diagnostics. But the therapy will be most effective, aimed at eliminating the main cause of nausea.