Resection of the stomach

Among radical methods of therapy of ulcers, oncological diseases, polyps, and sometimes - heavy stages of obesity, special attention deserves resection of the stomach. This operation involves the removal of a fairly large area of ​​the organ with the subsequent restoration of the digestive tract by imposing anastamosis.

Distal and proximal gastrectomy

The types of surgical procedures considered differ in size of the part of the organ being cut off. Thus, distal resection involves the removal of 66-75% of the lower divisions. During the same proximal operation, excision of the upper part of the stomach occurs, including the cardia.

Other types of surgical manipulation:

They are subspecies of already described types and are intended for the treatment of peptic ulcer, carcinoma, stomach cancer , metastases.

It should be noted that the currently popular laparoscopic surgery is not suitable for the cases described. This minimally invasive intervention does not allow obtaining the most accurate assessment of the vastness of the affected tissue. Thus, laparoscopic resection of the stomach is either not used, or is prescribed very rarely, usually in the primary stages of the tumor without growth of metastases.

Consequences and complications after resection of the stomach

Like any surgical operation, this technique is associated with a risk of developing negative symptoms. In general, their totality is called post-resection syndrome, the most common manifestations are anastomosis and dumping syndrome after gastrectomy, sometimes a "vicious circle" arises.

In the first case, there is a strong inflammation of the gastrointestinal anastomosis. Further progress of pathology is accompanied by its narrowing, a violation of the evacuation of the contents of organs. Among the common symptoms - vomiting, nausea, accumulation in the stomach of fluid and gases, infiltration.

When the dumping syndrome appears such signs:

This process is accompanied by a violation of organ reflexes, rapid evacuation of food.

The so-called "vicious circle" is characterized by the passage of the contents of the stomach mainly through the gatekeeper. Because of the overflow of the intestine, it is again thrown into the operated organ and provokes clinical manifestations:

Rehabilitation after resection of the stomach

The first time after surgery recommended bed rest or minimal physical activity, while the seams are sufficiently tightened.

In the future, the patient should strictly adhere to a special diet, which consists first in therapeutic fasting (2-4 days), then - obtaining nutrients through infusions and through a probe. With a good recovery, a therapeutic diet is developed, the basic principles:

  1. Restriction of salt.
  2. Reception of easily assimilable dishes (mucous soups, mashed potatoes, compotes, soft-boiled eggs).

In this case, it is important to process all food completely thermally, preferably boil or steam, and carefully grind, even vegetables and fruits.

After 10-14 days of such a diet is recommended to expand the diet:

It is important to limit the consumption of carbohydrates in the form of white flour and baked goods from it, sugars. Strictly forbidden:

Full recovery with strict compliance with these rules occurs within 2-5 years.