Tumor of the breast in a cat

This disease can occur for many reasons. It has been established that sterilized females have a lower risk of getting sick than unsterilized females. Such a disease can affect any animal, but scientists noted that the Siamese cats are most predisposed to it. They have almost twice as many neoplasms as in representatives of other breeds. The cancer of the breast in cats accounts for more than half of all registered tumors. This may result in hormonal disorders, false pregnancy , mastopathy, or ovarian cyst.

Many experts argue that the lack of timely mating can also in time provoke the appearance of tumors in females. If you sterilize the cat before the first heat, then this procedure by 98% can reduce the likelihood that she will discover a tumor. After the first estrus, this percentage of occurrence in the future of a nipple tumor in a cat is already 75%.

Tumors in cats - symptoms

Usually the first and middle mammary glands are affected in cats. Look tumors in different ways - these are either very small seals, or formless lumps that grow around living tissue. In the early stages of palpation, you can find a soft nodule that does not cause pain. Over time, new lumps of different sizes will appear. In the second stage and the third stage, the tumor is enlarged by 30% or, almost half is condensed, changes in the lymph nodes begin. The growth of metastases leads to the fact that in the fourth stage the tumor on the chest in a cat grows twice, the animal loses weight, the lungs are affected, a cough occurs, and severe exhaustion begins.

Treatment of tumors in cats

It all depends on what stage the disease is at. Apply either chemotherapy (mitoxantrone, cytoxan, adriamycin), or surgery. Depending on the severity of the lesion, remove a small densified bundle, one gland, completely the whole line of mammary glands. In severe cases, when the tumor is removed from the cat, a bilateral mastectomy is performed - surgery on both lines of the mammary glands.

Very important is the early diagnosis, which can significantly increase the chances of successful treatment of a breast tumor in a cat. Do not forget to periodically show your pets to specialists. Many times reduces the risk of the appearance of neoplasms of castration of females to the first estrus. Mistresses can easily conduct their own checks in their animals to detect any suspicious nodule, and seek the advice of a veterinarian.